Thank you for this great open source effort and the forum. This is really impressive!
I am very new to the field of acoustic wave simulation, and I apologize if this is a trivial question. For a research project, I will have to simulate a city environment with vehicles moving through streets. As part of the simulation, I will have to incorporate wave propagation of sounds created from these vehicles (say, a horn sound). The simulation does not have to be very accurate through the buildings, I only need to see the approximate amplitude vs. distance traveled over time across the environment for each sound source.
I am reading the documentation and I am assuming that I can model the city as a heterogeneous medium (two types of regions - air and building blocks). However, I am wondering how I can model the moving vehicles as a sound source. Should I think of each source as a time varying pressure field defined over a path in the grid?
Also, how can I create a realistic time-varying pressure field for, say, a truck or a car horn sound? In the examples, the magnitudes are defined in [au]. What unit is that exactly? Any suggestion and ideas would really help me. Thank you.