Thank you very much for sharing the wonderful program. I am testing the Matlab example example_ewp_3D_simulation.m. Since I can't figure out what the sensors' positions are and how many sensors there are, I don't quite understand the final output graph of sensor position vs. time. I was wondering if you please help me with the following questions:
1. What the sensors' positions are and how many sensors there are? I don't quite follow "define sensor mask in x-y plane using cuboid corners, where a rectangular mask is defined using the xyz coordinates of two opposing corners in the form [x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2]." Is it a rectangular sensor 2D-array? Then, how to index the 2D-array sensors?
2. May I visualize the sensors by using voxelPlot function? I tried "voxelPlot(double(cart2grid(kgrid, sensor.mask)));", but it doesn't work.
3. For ultrasound focusing, I was wondering if I could assume the ultrasound wave propagates in media as spherical waves without focusing? May I do this in example_ewp_3D_simulation.m?
Many thanks and have a great day.