1. Hi , I have to model a "helmholtz resonator in 2D. but I don't know how to model the resonator like figure in http://blog.naver.com/atreyu26/220440007272.
and the resonator is made of boolean operations union with three rectangular in COMSOL 4.4.
2. How can I make boundary conditions? left end(coordinate : x=0) is plane wave radiation or pressure condition(p0=1[Pa], p(t)=p0*sin(2*pi*frequency*t)). right end(coordinate : x=0.3) is
anechoic termination. target frequency are 500Hz, 1000Hz, 1500Hz.
3. Last, I need to detect or probe measured acoustic pressure at left end(x=0) and right end(x=0.3).
Thank you for reading. please help me.