Dear all,
In the forward simulation, I have set the medium properties as follows and an initial pressure distribution is created. The received ultrasound signal is used to reconstruct the image by the back projection algorithm. However, I found that the reconstructed sound pressure was much smaller than the initial value. Can I make some attenuation compensation to make up for this difference?I hope someone can give me some help.
% define the properties of the propagation medium
medium.density = 1.29 ; % [kg/m^3]
medium.sound_speed = 330 ; % [m/s]
medium.alpha_coeff = 1.59; % [dB/(MHz^y cm)]
medium.alpha_power = 2.0;
% create initial pressure distribution
Cv = 0.72 ; % Specific heat coefficient of constant volume
Heat_beta = 1/273.15; % the coefficient of the thermal expansion[1/K]
%----Construct a Gaussian pressure source
[X,Y] = meshgrid(kgrid.x_vec,kgrid.y_vec);
disc_H1 = 30; % [kJ/m3]
disc_x_pos1 = 0; % actual length [m]
disc_y_pos1 = 0; % actual length [m]
FWHM = 120e-6; %
disc_radius1 = FWHM*sqrt(log(2))/2; % actual length [m]
Gaus_1 = exp(-((X-disc_x_pos1).^2+(Y-disc_y_pos1).^2)/disc_radius1^2);
disc_1 = disc_H1*Heat_beta*medium.sound_speed^2/Cv*Gaus_1;