I am trying to add attenuation to a hetroginious soft tissue model.
as a first step i have allocated a homoginious attenuation coefficient to the hole model:
medium.alpha_mode = 'no_dispersion';
i am observing the next (unexpected) behaviour:
1. for attenuation levels greater than 3db/(cm*MHz) - the simulation is unstable and pressure goes to infinity.
2. when attenuation levels are less or equal to 3db/(cm*MHz) :
a. the measured signal starts earlier (as if the wave propagates faster, but the speed in
defined for the medium is exactly the same). as bigger the attenuation is, the faster it
"arrives" the
b. it seems as if the signal is being expanded in time axis (meaning p(a*t)) - and
analogiously squeezed in frequency domain.
c. the signal becomes not causal, and is not exactly zero in times before the signal arrives
the sensor.
I would really appriciate your help understanding the above phenomena. i expected having some dispersion, with every frequency attenuatted according to a*x[cm]*f[MHz], but that behviour is different.
could i count on phase accuracy of the simulation to measure phase differance between different points?
thank u very much for your kind help