Dear all
I am using k- Wave Matlab toolbox but it is too slow for my simulations, so I am interested in using the k-Wave C++ Source Codes in Windows. But I am beginner in visual studio and C++. First of all I have problem in installation process. I have installed Intel C++ Compiler and Intel MKL library and HDF5 library and visual studio 2015. But it is not clear for me that what I should do at the next step. According to user’s manual “copy all the necessary libraries from the Visual Studio redistribute package to the same folder as the compiled binary “. Could you make it clear for me?
Thank you in advanced
A MATLAB toolbox for the time-domain
simulation of acoustic wave fields
C++ source codes installation problem
(6 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 9 years ago #
Hi Sepand,
Is there any reason you don't want to use the compiled binaries? You can download these from the k-Wave website, put all the files in the
folder, and they should work straight out of the box.Brad.
Posted 8 years ago # -
Hi Bradley.
I have just installed k-wave. The purely Matlab version seems to run smoothly (but I have just tested a few examples). However, I have tried to check the C++ version. To do that, I:
1) downloaded the k-wave-toolbox-version-1.2-cpp-windows-executable-sse.zip file;
2) unzipped it;
3) copied all the resulting .dll and .exe file into the "mypath\k-Wave\binaries" folder;
4) edited the example "example_ivp_3D_simulation.m" by changing "sensor_data = kspaceFirstOrder3D(kgrid, medium, source, sensor, input_args{:});" into "sensor_data = kspaceFirstOrder3DC(kgrid, medium, source, sensor, input_args{:});"
5) run the edited example.Unfortunately, by doing so, I get the following Matlab error message:
>> example_ivp_3D_simulation
Running k-Wave simulation...
start time: 19-May-2019 20:03:24
reference sound speed: 1800m/s
Error using kspaceFirstOrder_inputChecking (line 1328)
The optional input 'SaveToDisk' is currently only compatible with forward simulations using a non-zero binary
sensor mask.Error in kspaceFirstOrder3D (line 566)
kspaceFirstOrder_inputChecking;Error in kspaceFirstOrder3DC (line 371)
eval(run_string);Error in example_ivp_3D_simulation (line 83)
sensor_data = kspaceFirstOrder3DC(kgrid, medium, source, sensor, input_args{:});Do you have any suggestions for me?
Many thanks in advance for your time.
gvPosted 5 years ago # -
Hi GV,
As the error message suggests, you can't use the C++ code with a Cartesian sensor mask. Have a look at the "Using A Binary Sensor Mask" example to see how to use a binary sensor mask.
Posted 5 years ago # -
Is there a way for me to use the kspaceFirstOrder2DC function with using a centered Cartesian circular sensor? I want to use a centered circular sensor with specifying the number of sensors.
Posted 3 years ago # -
Cartesian sensors aren't support in the C++ code. You could convert it to a binary mask (e.g., using
).Posted 3 years ago #
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