I'm wondering is there a C++ or GPU version of kspaceFirstOrder2D code? I'm generating a large amount of 2D k-wave simulation data, and I'm looking for ways to speed up 2D simulation.
A MATLAB toolbox for the time-domain
simulation of acoustic wave fields
C++/GPU version of kspaceFirstOrder2D
(10 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 5 years ago #
Hi dyangsteven,
Yes - it will be out in a few weeks with the next release.
Posted 5 years ago # -
Hi Brad,
I encounter an issue when running the new kspaceFirstOrder2DG: with the same code, I obtain a time of flight that is ~10% shorter than with kspaceFirstOrder2D. kspaceFirstOrder2D is correct.
Did I miss something?
RegardsPosted 4 years ago # -
Hi gpr,
What sort of sensor mask are you using?
With a binary sensor mask, the two codes should agree to machine precision.
If you're happy to post an example, I'll take a look.
Posted 4 years ago # -
Hi Brad,
yes the masks are binary.Absolutely, here is a code to paste in a matlab script. I just change the variable "simvis" at the beginning, which only changes the run mode (or so I thought). This, however, provides a different result.
__________________________________________________________________________________________clear all
close allgpuDeviceCount
d = gpuDevice
simvis = 1;
% an_lim = 20;%26.5651;
% angle = linspace(-an_lim,an_lim,11);
angle = 0;%%
ref_speed_of_sound = 1500;
centerfreq = 3.5e6;
lamb = ref_speed_of_sound/centerfreq;
press = 1e5; %;%5e6;afety_co = 0.1e-6;
afety_co_2 = 0.5e-6;run_on_gpu = 1;
if run_on_gpu == 0
p = gcp;
end%% create the computational grid
trans_foc = 30/1e3;
sub_lamb_coef = 4;
pix_size = lamb/sub_lamb_coef;diam_trans_m = 40e-3;
diam_trans_pi = ceil(diam_trans_m/pix_size);depth_im_m = trans_foc*1.1 ; % 3e-3; % 100; %120; % in wavelengths
depth_im_pi = depth_im_m./pix_size;PML_size = 32; % size of the PML in grid points
PMLAlpha = 50;x = 2;
a = 1;
Nx = x^a;
while Nx*pix_size <= diam_trans_m + 2 * PML_size*pix_size
a = a+1;
Nx = x^a;
Nx = Nx - 2 * PML_sizex = 2;
a = 1;
Nz = x^a;
while Nz*pix_size <= depth_im_m + 2 * PML_size*pix_size
a = a+1;
Nz = x^a;
Nz = Nz - 2 * PML_sizedisplay('image width (mm)');
display('image depth (mm)');
display('transducer focus (mm)');
display('transducer diameter (mm)');
display(diam_trans_m*1e3);kgrid = kWaveGrid(Nx, pix_size, Nz, pix_size);
%% material properties
crod = 2000;
rhorod = 5000;
BonArod = 0;
alpha_coeffrod = 1;Cliver = 1559;
BonAliver = 8;
rholiver = 1020;
alpha_coeff_liver = 0.8;%% map
% dx = 0.02;
dx = 0.002;
R = random('Uniform',1-dx,1+dx,size(kgrid.x,1),size(kgrid.x,2),size(kgrid.x,3));sound_speed_lo = Cliver.*R;
density_lo = rholiver.*R;
BonA_lo = BonAliver.*R;
alpha_coeff_lo = alpha_coeff_liver.*R;
c_med = Cliver;medium.sound_speed = sound_speed_lo;
medium.density = density_lo;
medium.BonA = BonA_lo; % 0; %
medium.alpha_coeff = alpha_coeff_lo;%%
medium.alpha_mode = 'no_dispersion';
medium.alpha_power = 1.01; %%% make rod
disc = zeros(Nx,Nz);
cx = round(Nx/2);
cy = round(Nz/2);
disc = disc+makeDisc(Nx, Nz, cx, cy, sub_lamb_coef/2);dx = 0.001;
R = random('Uniform',1-dx,1+dx,size(kgrid.x,1),size(kgrid.x,2),size(kgrid.x,3));medium.sound_speed = (medium.sound_speed.*(1-disc))+disc.*crod.*R;
medium.density = (medium.density.*(1-disc))+disc.*rhorod.*R;
medium.BonA = (medium.BonA.*(1-disc))+disc.*BonArod.*R;
medium.alpha_coeff = (medium.alpha_coeff.*(1-disc))+disc.*alpha_coeffrod.*R;ftsize = 20;
sos_map = medium.sound_speed( :,:,round(size(medium.sound_speed,3)/2));
xlabel('lateral position (mm)','interpreter', 'latex','fontsize',ftsize)
ylabel('axial position (mm)','interpreter', 'latex','fontsize',ftsize)
c = colorbar;
colormap('hot');ylabel(c,'speed of sound (m/s)');
drawnow%% to drive the transducer
deltt = 1.5/centerfreq;
tau =1/centerfreq/4;%% create the time array and input signal
coti = 1;
ti = 0:mean(diff(kgrid.t_array))/coti:(Nz*pix_size/c_med+deltt)+(sqrt(Nz^2+Nx^2)*pix_size/c_med+deltt)+5e-6;input_signal = sin(2*pi*centerfreq.*ti);
po = find(ti>deltt,1,'first');
ti_sig = ti;
ti_sig(po:end) = [];
input_signal(po:end) = [];
input_signal = input_signal./max(input_signal);figure(11)
grid on%%
kgrid.t_array = ti;
%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%% simulation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%total_depth = Nz*pix_size;
iter = 1;sensor_data_c = cell(1,length(angle));
for p = 1:length(angle)
%% sources
d = Nx*pix_size*sind(angle(p));x = 1:Nx;
xtau = 30;
env = (tanh(x./xtau)+fliplr(tanh(x./xtau)))-1;source.p = zeros(Nx,length(ti));
n_t = (linspace(0,(d/c_med/mean(diff(ti))),Nx));
n_t = round(n_t);if d<0
n_t = n_t-min(n_t);
endfor i = 1:Nx
if n_t(i)>0
temp = [zeros(1,n_t(i)), input_signal];
temp(end+1 : length(ti)) = 0;
source.p(i,:) = temp.*press.*env(i);
temp = input_signal;
temp(end+1 : length(ti)) = 0;
source.p(i,:) = temp.*press.*env(i);
endsource.p_mask = zeros(Nx,Nz);
center = [Nx/2,trans_foc/pix_size];delt = 0;
source.p_mask = zeros(Nx,Nz);
source.p_mask(:,1+delt) = 1;figure;
imagesc( source.p_mask)
%% sensor
sensor.mask = zeros(Nx,Nz);
sensor.mask(:,1+delt) = 1;
imagesc( sensor.mask )
display(sum(sensor.mask(:)))%% set the input arguements
if run_on_gpu == 1 && simvis == 0
input_args = {'PMLSize', PML_size, 'PMLAlpha', PMLAlpha,'PMLInside', false, 'PlotPML', false, ...
'Smooth', false, 'DataCast', 'gpuArray-single', 'CartInterp', 'nearest','PlotSim' , false,...
'PlotScale',[-press/10 press/10],'RecordMovie', false }; % 'PlotScale',,[-1e5 1e5]te'auto','RecordMovie', true }; % [-1e5 1e5] %
% run the simulation
filename = 'test_gui.h5';
sensor_data = kspaceFirstOrder2DG(kgrid, medium, source, sensor,input_args{:});
if isa(sensor_data,'gpuArray')
sensor_data = gather(sensor_data);
elseif run_on_gpu == 1 && simvis == 1tic
input_args = {'PMLSize', PML_size, 'PMLAlpha', PMLAlpha,'PMLInside', false, 'PlotPML', false, ...
'Smooth', false, 'DataCast', 'gpuArray-single', 'CartInterp', 'nearest','PlotSim' , true,...
'PlotScale',[-press/2 press/2],'RecordMovie', false }; % 'PlotScale',,[-1e5 1e5]te'auto','RecordMovie', true }; % [-1e5 1e5] %
% run the simulation
filename = 'test_gui.h5';
sensor_data = kspaceFirstOrder2D(kgrid, medium, source, sensor,input_args{:});
if isa(sensor_data,'gpuArray')
sensor_data = gather(sensor_data);
input_args = {'PMLSize', PML_size, 'PMLAlpha', PMLAlpha,'PMLInside', false, 'PlotPML', false, ...
'Smooth', false, 'CartInterp', 'nearest','PlotSim' , true,...
'PlotScale','auto','RecordMovie', false }; % 'PlotScale',,[-1e5 1e5]te'auto','RecordMovie', true }; % [-1e5 1e5] %
% run the simulation
sensor_data = kspaceFirstOrder2D(kgrid, medium, source, sensor,input_args{:});
sensor_data_c{p} = sensor_data;
caxis([-3e3 3e3]);end
Posted 4 years ago # -
Hi gpr,
The problems is that
medium.alpha_mode = no_dispersion
is not implemented in the C++/CUDA codes. If you remove this line, the two agree to machine precision.I'll add it to the bug list to add an error condition if the code is used in this way.
Posted 4 years ago # -
Hi Bradley,
Adding to this, is the sensor directivity implemented in C++/CUDA versions?
sensor.directivity_angle = (any angle)
sensor.directivity_pattern = 'pressure'; % alternatively: 'gradient'
sensor.directivity_size = transducer.element_width;Seems to give a large difference between 2D and 2DG. (On Linux, own compiled source.)
Posted 4 years ago # -
Hi Bram,
No, this is not included in the C++/CUDA version either.
I'll add this to the list of error conditions also.
Posted 4 years ago # -
Hi Brad, thank you very much, I appreciate.
Posted 4 years ago # -
Hi Brad, thank you indeed! I'll just use the interference effect then.
Posted 4 years ago #
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