Hi jwjs,
Thanks for your comments, it's definitely valuable to get your opinion. As you have noted, the k-Wave project so far has really been an in-house software development project, rather than a community software project. The new features are often closely tied to our scientific research (for example, nonlinearity was added in B.0.5), so often a manuscript gets submitted at the same time as a new release comes out. The codes are released under an open-source license to allow other users flexibility in what they do with the code. We currently have a number of academic staff, post-docs, and students working on and with the toolbox, so hopefully new releases should be a couple of times a year. We also receive a number of suggestions, code snippets, examples, and bug reports from external users, which is extremely useful.
With this in mind, I completely agree that this release model makes it more difficult for external people to contribute directly to the code-base. So far, there hasn't been many people wanting to do this, so it hasn't really been a problem. I guess as the scientific functionality of the code stabilises (which it will), then an open repository is likely to be a better approach, particularly for the C++ codes. In the meantime, if there is something in particular you are interested in contributing, then please do let us know.
We are planning to release our first version of the C++ code for shared memory NUMA architectures in the coming months (described here). Other versions are under active development, and releases will follow as they are completed and tested.
Kind regards,