Hello, I am... blocked... is the term. I am sure that it´s a simple error that i do not catch.
I trying to create a multiring trandsucer, It´s seems that geomotry is correct.Then I create signals and calculate needed delays for each rings.
I understand that if there are 4 rings, we must have 4 differents toneburst vectors,
isn't it?
When I do not use offset everything is working, but that's not the case for multirings. Rings value index go from 1 to 4.
Code is more explicit, or not:). Thank you Romain
%% Creation of transducer geometry
source.p_mask = zeros(Nz,Ny,Nx); % source mask
% if plane transducer
if(type == 0)
radius = round(aperture*1e-3/2/ds); % radius of aperture [grid points]
cy = round(Ny/2); % Y-axis center of the disk
cx = round(Nx/2); % X-axis center of the disk
geom = makeDisc(Nx,Ny,cx,cy,radius); % disk geometry
% add the geometry to the source domain
source.p_mask(Nz_trans_pos+PML_size, 1:Ny, 1:Nx) = geom;
% if curved transducer
elseif(type == 1)
Nfd = round(fd/ds);
Nap = round(aperture*1e-3/ds);
% Redefine aperture to make it an odd number for makeBowl to work
if rem(Nap,2) == 0
Nap = Nap + 1;
trans_pos = [PML_size+Nz_trans_pos, round(Ny/2), round(Nx/2)];
focus_pos = [PML_size+Nz_trans_pos+Nfd, round(Ny/2), round(Nx/2)] ;
% makeBowl(grid_size, origin bowl_pos, radius curvature, aperture diameter, location of focus_pos, 'Plot', true,'RemoveOverlap',true);
geom = makeBowl(size(source.p_mask), trans_pos, Nfd+1, Nap, focus_pos, 'Plot', false,'RemoveOverlap',true);
%----------------------- Version Romain ------------------------%
% Multirings configuration with identification
% 2D rings creation
NradioInnerDisc = round((1e-3 * ri)/ds - ds); % in grid number
NradioOuterDisc = round((1e-3 * ro)/ds);
innerDisc = zeros (Ny,Nx); % in grid number
outerDisc = zeros (Ny,Nx);
multiRings2D = zeros (Ny,Nx);
for i=1:length(ri)
innerDisc = makeDisc(Ny,Nx,round(Ny/2),round(Nx/2),NradioInnerDisc(i));
outerDisc = makeDisc(Ny,Nx,round(Ny/2),round(Nx/2),NradioOuterDisc(i));
ring2D = outerDisc - innerDisc;
multiRings2D = multiRings2D + i.* ring2D; % index identification grow with radius
figure; imagesc(multiRings2D); axis image;
% 3D Projection
multiRings3D = repmat(multiRings2D,1,1,Nz);
multiRings3D = permute(multiRings3D,[3,2,1]);
% Apply rings to 3D bowl
geomMultiRings3D = geom.*multiRings3D;
% Add the geometry to the source domain
source.p_mask = geomMultiRings3D;
% Verification
transductor = squeeze(sum(geomMultiRings3D,1));
figure; imagesc(squeeze(transductor)); axis image;
% figure
% for i=1:floor(Ny/2)
% subplot(3,1,1)
% imagesc(squeeze(geomMultiRings3D(i,:,:)));axis image
% subplot(3,1,2)
% imagesc(squeeze(geomMultiRings3D(:,round(Ny/2)+i,:)));axis image
% subplot(3,1,3)
% imagesc(squeeze(geomMultiRings3D(:,:,round(Nx/2)+i)));axis image
% drawnow; pause;
% end
%% Create time array and emitted signal signal
% Function 'makeTime' automatically specifies Nt, dt, and t_array based on the
% Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) number and the grid size.
% Default CFL=0.3, where dt = cfl * dx / sound_speed.
c_max = max(medium.sound_speed(:)); % maximum sound speed needed for "makeTime" function [m/s]
c_min = min(medium.sound_speed(:)); % minimum sound speed needed for calculation of "t_end" [m/s]
cfl = 0.3; % Courant-Friedrich-Lewy stability number
tone_burst_cycles = 10; % number of emitted cycles working at "source_freq"
t_end = 3*aperture*1e-3/c_min+tone_burst_cycles/source_freq; % total time of wave propagation [s]
kgrid.t_array = makeTime(kgrid, c_max, cfl, t_end); % calculate time steps
input_signal = p0 * toneBurst(1/kgrid.dt, source_freq, tone_burst_cycles,'Envelope',[1 1],'SignalLength',150); % obtain the emitted burst signal waveform [Pa]
%% Beamforming: Calculation of delays
%-------------------- Version Romain --------------------------
% Set the configuration if no beanforming used
if strcmp(beamforming, 'no')
%Set same identification to all rings
source.p_mask( source.p_mask > 0 ) = 1;
%Set same signal for all transducer elements
source.p = input_signal;
% Create CenterRings for delays calculation
% rc is the radius that cuts a ring into two subrings of equal surface area
% rc, distance from the center of the rings to Z axis knowed from datasheet
CenterLines = zeros(Nz,Ny);
rc = [18.6; 22.98; 26.59; 29.67];
radioCenterCircle = (1e-3 *rc)/ds - ds; % in grid number
for i=1:length(apertureIn)
CenterLines = CenterLines + ...
makeLine( Nz,Ny,...
[1 , round(Ny/2 + radioCenterCircle(i))],...
[Nz, round(Ny/2 + radioCenterCircle(i))]...
figure;imagesc(CenterLines); axis image;
% Delays calculation
% Create a ZY axial plane of geom
geom_ZYplane = geom(:,:,round(Nx/2));
% Find index where CenterLines intercept geometry source ZY plane
[intercept_z,intercept_y] = find((geom_ZYplane==CenterLines).*(geom_ZYplane>0));
intercept_x = intercept_y
NcenterRings = cat(2,intercept_z,intercept_y,intercept_x)
% Calculate propagation times and delays for each rings
Nzf = round(zf/ds) % Desired Z axis focus distance
Nfocal = [PML_size+Nz_trans_pos+Nzf, round(Ny/2), round(Nx/2)] ;
Nfocal = repmat(Nfocal,length(ri),1)
NcenterRings2focus = Nfocal - NcenterRings
centerRings2focus = abs(NcenterRings2focus) * ds % convert to distancee
centerRings2focus_distance = sqrt(centerRings2focus(:,1).^2 + centerRings2focus(:,2).^2)
centerRings2focus_propaTime = centerRings2focus_distance ./ c0(1)
centerRings2focus_delays = max(centerRings2focus_propaTime) - centerRings2focus_propaTime
% Convert delays in (s) to number of samples
tone_burst_offset = round(centerRings2focus_delays ./ kgrid.dt); % transpose to obtain a row vector
% Create signals
input_signals = p0*toneBurst(1/kgrid.dt, source_freq, tone_burst_cycles,...
'Envelope',[1 , 1],'SignalLength',150, 'SignalOffset', tone_burst_offset);
% Plot signals
t_axis = (1:size(input_signals, 2)) * kgrid.dt;
stackedPlot(1e6 * t_axis, input_signals);
xlabel('Time [\mus]');
ylabel('Signal Number');
% Set signals for all transducer elements
source.p = input_signals;
unning k-Wave simulation...
start time: 16-Apr-2021 01:13:06
reference sound speed: 1482.4595m/s
dt: 86.3636ns, t_end: 134.6409us, time steps: 1560
input grid size: 224 by 225 by 225 grid points (95.5962 by 96.0229 by 96.0229mm)
maximum supported frequency: 1.7368MHz by 1.7291MHz by 1.7291MHz
precomputation completed in 0.62563s
saving input files to disk...
completed in 0.62381s
| kspaceFirstOrder-OMP v1.3 |
| Reading simulation configuration: Done |
| Number of CPU threads: 40 |
| Processor name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz |
| Simulation details |
| Domain dimensions: 224 x 225 x 225 |
| Medium type: 3D |
| Simulation time steps: 1560 |
| Initialization |
| Memory allocation: Done |
| Data loading: Failed |
| !!! K-Wave experienced a fatal error !!! |
| Error: Dataset p_source_input has wrong dimension sizes.: |
| iostream stream error |
| Execution terminated |
Error using h5readc
Unable to open file. Filename may be corrupt or have unsupported characters.
Error in h5read (line 58)
[data,var_class] = h5readc(Filename,Dataset,start,count,stride);
Error in kspaceFirstOrder3DC (line 569)
Nx = h5read(output_filename, '/Nx');
Error in eye_acoustic_sim_Ta_multiRings (line 552)
sensor_data = kspaceFirstOrder3DC(kgrid, medium, source, sensor, input_args{:},
'DataPath',tempPath); % simulation