I am having an issue with a computer bought recently.
Calling kspaceFirstOrder3DC works but when calling the kspaceFirstOrder3DG, the command line 551 in kspaceFirstOrder3DC doesn't run:
run_string = ['system(''' system_string ' cd /d "' binary_path '" & ' binary_name ' -i "' input_filename '" -o "' output_filename '" ' options_string ''' ,''-echo'');'];
resulting in the absence of the output file and this matlab error:
Running k-Wave simulation...
start time: 10-Feb-2025 17:51:35
reference sound speed: 1500m/s
dt: 40ns, t_end: 8.44us, time steps: 212
input grid size: 12 by 44 by 44 grid points (2.4 by 8.8 by 8.8mm)
maximum supported frequency: 3.75MHz
expanding computational grid...
computational grid size: 32 by 64 by 64 grid points
precomputation completed in 0.041088s
saving input files to disk...
completed in 1.7924s
Le système ne peut exécuter le programme spécifié.
Error using h5readc
Unable to open 'D:\k-wave\test\kwave_output_data10-Feb-2025-17-51-35.h5'. File or folder not found.
Error in h5read (line 95)
[data,var_class] = h5readc(Filename,Dataset,start,count,stride);
Error in kspaceFirstOrder3DC (line 569)
Nx = h5read(output_filename, '/Nx');
Error in kspaceFirstOrder3DG (line 69)
sensor_data = kspaceFirstOrder3DC(varargin{:});
Error in example_pr_3D_TR_planar_sensor_laure (line 77)
sensor_data = kspaceFirstOrder3DG(kgrid, medium, source, sensor, input_args{:});
Does the source need to be recompiled? I tried using matlab 2021a and 2024b.