Hello, Bradley Treeby! I am a student in China. I use kspaceFirstOrder3DC to calculate nonlinear field of the 3D phased array. Like Simulating Ultrasound Beam Patterns Example, I compute the harmonic beam patterns.I use kspaceFirstOrder3DC to speed up the calculation.
When I run the m file on my Personal desktop,there is no error. But when I run the m file on the server, error occurs.
| !!! K-Wave experienced a fatal error !!! |
| Error: Could not write into "" dataset.: iostream stream |
| error |
| Execution terminated |
Misuse of h5readc
The HDF5 library encountered an error and generated the following stack trace information:
H5F_sblock_load truncated file
H5C_load_entry unable to load entry
H5C_protect can't load entry
H5AC_protect H5C_protect() failed.
H5F_super_read unable to load superblock
H5F_open unable to read superblock
H5Fopen unable to open file
How can I solve this error? Thanks for your reply!