My name is Dogu and I am a PhD student from the mechanical engineering department of the University of Bath. I have been using k-Wave for a while now to simulate ultrasonic wave propagation into human soft tissue, and I am very thankful for this product that you have put forward.
I'm at a stage where the simulation I'm running is too large for my machine to handle (6000 by 6000 2D simulation), hence I am getting the task computed on the University's supercomputer system. I have been attempting to run a C++ version of my simulation on the supercomputer, and to do this, I would produce a .h5 file by using the 'SaveToDisk' input of the function kspaceFirstOrder2D, upload it to my allocated space on the uni supercomputer memory and call it in as an input (-i) of the function kspaceFirstOrder-OMP. I am able to successfully generate the .h5 file on my machine with no problems and upload it to the uni server, yet when the uni supercomputer starts running the task, I get the following error message within seconds:
"K-Wave experienced a fatal error. Error = invalid format of the input file = iostream error"
I have tried a number of things yet I do not understand where this is going wrong. My best guess if that maybe I have a Matlab code line that is not C++ optimised. Below I have attached the the binbash script I use to remotely submit jobs, and the Matlab script that I use to generate the .h5 files. Any help or advice would be much, much appreciated, as time is ticking on my PhD. Many thanks in advance!
Best, Dogu
Job submission script:
[11/08 11:40] James Grant
Hi Dogu apologies for the delay here especially as it's quite a trivial issue that I should have spotted previously. Linux file systems are case sensitive so Position2.h5 is different from position2.d5. The copy command cp ../input.h5 . is only needed if the input file is in the directory above, you have it already in the same directory so your jobscript could be:
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=24
#SBATCH --mem=60000
#SBATCH --time=6:00:00
#SBATCH --job-name=position2
#SBATCH --account=free
#SBATCH --partition=batch-sky
#SBATCH --mail-user=dz322@bath.ac.uk
#SBATCH --output=StdOut.o.%j
#SBATCH --error=StdErr.e.%j
module purge
module load slurm
module load matlab
module load hdf5/intel
module load intel/compiler/64/18.5.274
module load intel/mkl/64/18.5.274
module load fftw3/intel/avx/3.3.4
module load gcc/9.2.0
export OMP_PLACES=cores
export OMP_PROC_BIND=true
../k-Wave/kspaceFirstOrder-OMP/skylake/kspaceFirstOrder-OMP -i position1.h5 -o pos2_out.h5 --checkpoint_file check_pos2 --checkpoint_interval 20000
Matlab script:
%This is the script file to use to run scans at 5MHz into the human limb
%Script originates from the kWave example titled:
%Monopole Point Source In A Homogeneous Propagation Medium Example
% =========================================================================
% =========================================================================
close all;
%Number of measurements to take.
m = 1;
%Create the computational grid
%Number of grid points in x and y directions.
Nx = 6000; Ny = 6000;
%Grid point spacings and side lengths in x and y directions [m].
dx = 2.3438e-05/4; dy = dx;
X_SideLength = dx*Nx; Y_SideLength = dy*Ny;
%Kwave function to create the medium.
kgrid = kWaveGrid(Nx, dx, Ny, dy);
% Space between consecutive measurements.
Gap = round(0.0005/dx);
%Set medium dimensions.
medium.sound_speed = zeros(Ny,Nx);
medium.density = zeros(Ny,Nx);
%Set how long the simulation will go for.
EndTime = 100e-6;
%Define position number.
a = 1;
%Calculate amount of gap too move by, in gridpoints.
Shift = (a-1)*Gap;
%Run Medium Generator Function and shift muscle layer accordingly. Then,
%assign sound speed and density values.
Medium5MHz = MediumGeneratorFctn(Shift);
medium.sound_speed = Medium5MHz.SS;
medium.density = Medium5MHz.Den;
DM_OG = Medium5MHz.DM;
%Create the time array (kgrid.makeTime function).
%Set number of timesteps to measure.
kgrid.Nt = round(EndTime/kgrid.dt);
% =========================================================================
% Define points needed for source size. For 13 mm,
half_of_probe = round((0.013/2)/dx);
source_freq = 5e6; % [Hz]
source_mag = 2/(1500*1000)/65; % [Pa]
[display_mask,sensor,source] = SourcenSensor60mm5MHz(a,Nx,Ny,dx,Gap,half_of_probe,source_mag,source_freq,kgrid,DM_OG,medium);
% =========================================================================
%Define the acoustic parameters to record
sensor.record = {'p', 'p_final'};
%Display Mask as input argument (PML Input can be adjusted here)
input_args = {'DisplayMask',display_mask};
% run the simulation
filename = 'position1';
sensor_data = kspaceFirstOrder2D(kgrid, medium, source, sensor, input_args{:},'SaveToDisk',filename); %,input_args{:}
%Summing SensorData
sensor_data_sum = sum(sensor_data.p);
ScanData(a,:,:) = sensor_data.p;