Hello, my name is Matt, I am an engineering student (taking my first MATLAB course this semester if that gives you an idea where my experience is at) trying to create a head-related transfer function dataset using k-wave in conjunction with data from a CT scan (or initially a generic head sized/shaped object) by creating an impulse at a point in space and then allowing that impulse to propagate through the medium. My questions are:
1) when I have a very large difference in density or velocity in my simulations I notice that the entire screen goes 'black' in the plot of the pressure distribution, this happens after one or two time slices... Is there any reason for this or way to fix it? To see what is going on, try do the demo here with the following change:
% define the properties of the propagation medium
medium.sound_speed = 1500*ones(Nz, Nx); % [m/s]
medium.sound_speed(1:Nz/2, :) = 1800; % [m/s]
medium.density = 1000*ones(Nz, Nx); % [kg/m^3]
medium.density(:, Nx/4:end) = 1; % [kg/m^3]**changed value from 1200 to 1
I notice that when there is more than a ~1000:1 ratio in density, the simulation fails.
2) Is there a way to define 'solid' objects, I was planning to try and setup bones which are more rigid than fluid like: if all else failed, I figure I could just set their density to almost infinite so it would 'act' like a solid object...
I appreciate any advice or help you can provide. Thank you for all your time, knowledge, and work that you have put into K-Wave. I appreciate it very much.