I try to run the example_pr_3D_TR_planar_sensor using the GPU code. While calling the function kspaceFirstOrder3DC, the eval_string is not running. I got the following error:
Running k-Wave simulation...
start time: 07-May-2020 01:09:07
reference sound speed: 1500m/s
dt: 40ns, t_end: 8.44us, time steps: 212
input grid size: 12 by 44 by 44 grid points (2.4 by 8.8 by 8.8mm)
maximum supported frequency: 3.75MHz
expanding computational grid...
computational grid size: 32 by 64 by 64 grid points
precomputation completed in 0.46524s
saving input files to disk...
completed in 2.2741s
│ kspaceFirstOrder3D-CUDA v1.2 │
│ Reading simulation configuration: Failed │
│ !!! K-Wave experienced a fatal error !!! │
│ Error: Incorrect minor version of the HDF5 file /cs/research/ │
│ vision/LargeScaleProject/k-Wave/tmp/kwave_input_ │
│ data07-May-2020-01-09-06.h5 (expected is 1).: │
│ iostream error │
│ Execution terminated │
My system is Centos7 with CUDA 10.2. I am using Matlab 2017a and k-Wave 1.2
Looking forward to hearing back from you.