I write and run a startup.m everytime i start working with matlab that i open as an admin.
but if i search for kwave as supplemental software i can't find anything.
what did i do wrong?
A MATLAB toolbox for the time-domain
simulation of acoustic wave fields
installation is done but there is no sign of Kwave in supplmental softgware
(8 posts) (7 voices)-
Posted 2 years ago #
Hi dasco,
Please check your matlab path. Is it pointing to the k-Wave folder?
Best wishes
BenPosted 2 years ago # -
It doesn't work for me in MATLAB r2014b or r2020b.
But it works in MATLAB r2019a perfectly.
Maybe you can try it in this MATLAB version.Posted 2 years ago # -
Hi theshy, please can you clarify what doesn't work in matlab versions 2014b and 2020b?
BenPosted 2 years ago # -
Hi, I have a similar problem. In help, there is the supplemental software (k-Wave Toolbox). But once I click on it, it says "Page not found."
Posted 2 years ago # -
Hi, I am having the same problem as ThomG, and when running builddocsearchdb on the helpfiles folder I get the following error:
Error using builddocsearchdb
There is no installed product with this help location.
Documentation that is not associated with a product will not be displayed in the help browser.Posted 2 years ago # -
Hi sgb2155,
You can try calling
Posted 2 years ago # -
I had this problem today as well but managed to solve it.
Turns out it has nothing to do with the MATLAB or the k-wave version (mine with MATLAB R2024b and K-WAVE 1.4). It is because you put the k-wave folders in the path which requests you admin permission to modify. (like for myself: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b\toolbox')
You just need to put the k-wave folders somewhere else which dosen't requests you to do so. (like: C:\Users\<your PC name>\Documents\k-wave-toolbox-version-1.4\k-Wave), and the 'helpfiles' will appear automatically like description after you 'addpath' .Posted 5 days ago #
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