Sorry for asking a lot of questions on this forum, but I definitely need help to success my simulations. So thanks again for answer.
I am trying to mimic the example described in the paper "A Discrete Source Model for Simulating Bowl-Shaped Focused Ultrasound Transducers on Regular Grids: Design and Experimental Validation". At the end of the simulation, I don't get the expected result. I obtain something, more or less, similar, so I guess that everything is not wrong, but I don't know where could be the error. I am confused regarding some points:
1) When you say "Simulations were repeated using grid discretisations from 2.2 points per wavelength", does it mean that dx=dy=dz=lambda/2.2
where lambda=c/f
with c=1492m/s and f=1.1e6Hz
2) For the description of the shaped-bowl. I don't understand the sentence "The grid points for which θp is greater than the half arc angle θa are then removed". When I look the drawing on the top of the first page, I don't understand the accordance with "the HALF arc angle". I would say "The grid points for which θp is greater than the arc angle θa are then removed".
3) In the paper, I don't see the information regarding the time. For the creation of the hdf5 file, I need to define dt
and Nt
. I have seen in the k-wave user manual:
Does it correct to define time constant like that?
4) For the time varying input signal, it's written "the source was driven by a continuous wave sinusoid at 1.1 MHz".
For that, I created a time vector: t_array=np.linspace(0,Nt*dt,Nt)
and I define:
. Is it a good way for creating the wanted input signal?
Thanks a lot,