Hi, I am running a relatively small 3D simulation, but it generates enormous (> 100 GB) hd5 files in my /tmp/ folder, and I run out of disk space. I am using k-Wave with the multi-threaded CUDA executable on Ubuntu 16.04, calling it from MATLAB R2015a. I have about 140 GB free on the drive, and I have 96 GB of RAM and dual 6-core Xeons.
The output is below. My question is, should the files really be that big for this problem size? I am trying to record 'p_max', 'p_min', 'p_rms', 'I_avg' at each location in the simulated volume. Could that be my issue (i.e., I need to reduce my number of sensors, and perhaps repeat with multiple sensor positions)? Thank you for any help.
Running k-Wave simulation...
start time: 21-Sep-2016 22:37:19
reference sound speed: 1484m/s
dt: 80.8625ns, t_end: 110.0539us, time steps: 1362
input grid size: 316 by 183 by 183 grid points (126.4 by 73.2 by 73.2mm)
maximum supported frequency: 1.855MHz by 1.8449MHz by 1.8449MHz
precomputation completed in 26.3772s
saving input files to disk...
completed in 1min 14.5148s
│ kspaceFirstOrder3D-CUDA v1.1 │
│ Reading simulation configuration: Done │
│ Selected GPU device id: 0 │
│ GPU device name: Tesla K20c │
│ Number of CPU threads: 24 │
│ Simulation details │
│ Domain dimensions: 316 x 183 x 183 │
│ Simulation time steps: 1362 │
│ Initialization │
│ Memory allocation: Done │
│ Data loading: Done │
│ Elapsed time: 0.44s │
│ FFT plans creation: Done │
│ Pre-processing phase: Done │
│ Elapsed time: 0.11s │
│ Computational resources │
│ Current host memory in use: 1647MB │
│ Current device memory in use: 3649MB │
│ Simulation │
│ Progress │ Elapsed time │ Time to go │ Est. finish time │
│ 0% │ 1.665s │ 1131.926s │ 21/09/16 22:58:00 │
│ 5% │ 104.034s │ 1920.166s │ 21/09/16 23:12:51 │
│ 10% │ 197.664s │ 1753.197s │ 21/09/16 23:11:38 │
│ 15% │ 314.691s │ 1765.936s │ 21/09/16 23:13:47 │
│ 20% │ 426.971s │ 1695.417s │ 21/09/16 23:14:29 │
│ 25% │ 540.264s │ 1611.315s │ 21/09/16 23:14:59 │
│ 30% │ 655.427s │ 1521.870s │ 21/09/16 23:15:24 │
│ 35% │ 777.675s │ 1438.210s │ 21/09/16 23:16:03 │
│ 40% │ 908.100s │ 1357.161s │ 21/09/16 23:16:52 │
│ 45% │ 1019.975s │ 1242.575s │ 21/09/16 23:16:49 │
│ 50% │ 1135.512s │ 1128.862s │ 21/09/16 23:16:51 │
│ !!! K-Wave experienced a fatal error !!! │
│ Error: Could not write into "" dataset. │
│ Execution terminated │
/bin/bash: line 1: 15377 Segmentation fault (core dumped) ./kspaceFirstOrder3D-CUDA -i /tmp/kwave_input_data21-Sep-2016-22-37-19.h5 -o /tmp/kwave_output_data21-Sep-2016-22-37-19.h5 --p_max --p_min --p_rms --u_non_staggered_raw --p_raw
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=; cd /buffyexport/home/grissowa/Dropbox/code/zebrography/sim/kWave/k-wave-toolbox-version-1.1.1/k-Wave/binaries/; ./kspaceFirstOrder3D-CUDA -i /tmp/kwave_input_data21-Sep-2016-22-37-19.h5 -o /tmp/kwave_output_data21-Sep-2016-22-37-19.h5 --p_max --p_min --p_rms --u_non_staggered_raw --p_raw: Segmentation fault
Error using h5readc
The HDF5 library encountered an error and produced the following stack trace information:
H5F_super_read file signature not found
H5F_open unable to read superblock
H5Fopen unable to open file