I’m trying to model a transducer which is composed of a ceramic layer and a matching layer and two others mediums (tissues +bone). I would like to change the matching layer impedance to see if there are less reflections if we adapt the matching layer for bone ( Z matching layer = sqrt(Z ceramic*Z bone) ).
I also change the characteristics of the matching layer impedance (Z = rho*c). Indeed, I increase the sound speed and I decrease the density to keep the same impedance, so normally my signal shouldn’t change because reflections depend of the impedance but it changes…
The signal from the transducer is 2 MHz. A sensor is located in the bone medium to capture the amplitude of the signal.
The source code of the program is given below.
clear all;
% simulation settings
DATA_CAST = 'single';
% =========================================================================
% =========================================================================
% set the size of the perfectly matched layer (PML)
PML_X_SIZE = 20; % [grid points]
PML_Y_SIZE = 10; % [grid points]
PML_Z_SIZE = 10; % [grid points]
% set total number of grid points not including the PML
Nx = 128 - 2*PML_X_SIZE; % [grid points]
Ny = 128 - 2*PML_Y_SIZE; % [grid points]
Nz = 64 - 2*PML_Z_SIZE; % [grid points]
% set desired grid size in the x-direction not including the PML
x = 20e-3; % [m]
% calculate the spacing between the grid points
dx = x/Nx; % [m]
dy = dx; % [m]
dz = dx; % [m]
% create the k-space grid
kgrid = makeGrid(Nx, dx, Ny, dy, Nz, dz);
% =========================================================================
% =========================================================================
% define the properties of the propagation medium
v_ceramique = 3947; %% speed of sound in the ceramic [m/s]
v_water = 1500; % speed of sound in water [m/s]
v_bone = 2850; % speed of sound in bone [m/s]
v_ML = 2600; % speed of sound in the matching layer [m/s]
v_tissue = 1540; % speed of sound in tissue [m/s]
den_ceramique = 7600; % density of ceramic [kg/m^3]
den_water = 1000; % density of water [kg/m^3]
den_bone = 2596; % density of steel [kg/m^3]
den_ML = 5730; % density of matching layer [kg/m^3]
den_tissue = 1052; % density of tissue [kg/m^3]
medium.sound_speed = v_ceramique*ones(Nx,Ny,Nz); % [m/s]
medium.sound_speed(2:3,:,:) = v_ML;
medium.sound_speed(3:12,:,:) = v_tissue;
medium.sound_speed(12:40,:,:) = v_bone; %[m/s]
medium.sound_speed(40:60,:,:) = v_bone; %[m/s]
medium.sound_speed(60:end,:,:) = v_water;
medium.density = den_ceramique*ones(Nx,Ny,Nz); % [m/s]
medium.density(2:3,:,:) = den_ML;
medium.density(2:12,:,:) = den_tissue;
medium.density(12:40,:,:) = den_bone; %[m/s]
medium.density(40:60,:,:) = den_bone; %[m/s]
medium.density(60:end,:,:) = den_water;
% create the time array
t_end = 40e-6; % [s]
kgrid.t_array = makeTime(kgrid, 3947, [], t_end);
% =========================================================================
% =========================================================================
% define properties of the input signal
source_strength = 1e6; % [Pa]
tone_burst_freq = 2e6; % [Hz]
tone_burst_cycles = 4.5;
% create the input signal using toneBurst
input_signal = toneBurst(1/kgrid.dt, tone_burst_freq, tone_burst_cycles);
% scale the source magnitude by the source_strength divided by the
% impedance (the source is assigned to the particle velocity)
input_signal = (source_strength./(1500*1000)).*input_signal;
% =========================================================================
% =========================================================================
% physical properties of the transducer
transducer.number_elements = 64; % total number of transducer elements
transducer.element_width =1.155; % width of each element [grid points]
transducer.element_length = 20; % length of each element [grid points]
transducer.element_spacing =0; % spacing (kerf width) between the elements [grid points]
transducer.radius = inf; % radius of curvature of the transducer [m]
% calculate the width of the transducer in grid points
transducer_width = transducer.number_elements*transducer.element_width ...
+ (transducer.number_elements - 1)*transducer.element_spacing;
% use this to position the transducer in the middle of the computational grid
transducer.position = round([1, Ny/2 - transducer_width/2, Nz/2 - transducer.element_length/2]);
% properties used to derive the beamforming delays
transducer.sound_speed = 1540; % sound speed [m/s]
% apodization
transducer.transmit_apodization = 'Rectangular';
transducer.receive_apodization = 'Rectangular';
% define the transducer elements that are currently active
transducer.active_elements = zeros(transducer.number_elements, 1);
transducer.active_elements(30:30) = 1;
% append input signal used to drive the transducer
transducer.input_signal = input_signal;
% create the transducer using the defined settings
transducer = makeTransducer(kgrid, transducer);
% print out transducer properties
% =========================================================================
% =========================================================================
% create a Sensor
sensor.mask = zeros(Nx, Ny, Nz);
sensor.mask(40, 40, 20) = 1;
% =========================================================================
% =========================================================================
% set the input settings
input_args = {'PlotLayout', true,'DisplayMask', sensor.mask, ...
'PMLInside', true, 'PlotPML', false, 'PMLSize', [PML_X_SIZE, PML_Y_SIZE, PML_Z_SIZE], ...
'PMLInside', false, 'DataCast', DATA_CAST, 'PlotScale', [-source_strength/2, source_strength/2]};
% run the simulation
sensor_data = kspaceFirstOrder3D(kgrid, medium, transducer, sensor, input_args{:});
% extract a single scan line from the sensor data using the current
% beamforming settings
scan_line = transducer.scan_line(sensor_data);
%p_xyz = kspacePlaneRecon(sensor_data_rs, kgrid.dy, kgrid.dz, dt, medium.sound_speed,...
% 'DataOrder', 'yzt', 'PosCond', true, 'Plot', true);
% =========================================================================
% =========================================================================
plot(kgrid.t_array*1e6, sensor_data, 'k-');
xlabel('Time [\mus]');
ylabel('Pressure [au]');
title('Scan Line After Beamforming');