Hi again,
as mentioned in my previous post - I am simulating acoustic propagation in a humen body phantom. the desired max frequancy is around f=3MHz, and the 3D dimensions should be at minimum 12cmX12cmX12cm.
in order to simulate body surface returns, the computational grid includs air with a sound speed of around 300m/s.
That makes the greed spacing: dx=dy=dz= Cmin/[(num. of greed points per wave length)*fmax]
I saw on the k-wave guide it is recomended to have num. of greed points per wave length at least 3-4 in a heteroginious medium. Cmin is 300m/s as mentioned above.
that makes dx=dy=dz=~0.03mm.
that meens the grid size shouldvbe about 3000X3000X3000 big.
What would the memory requirments be to handle such a grid?
i saw somwhere on the forum here that a 256X256X256 would require 6GB, so linearly interpulating i guess I would need some 12,000GB... :-o
1. am i right?
2. any practical ideas how to run such a simulation given a powerful university cluster with up to some 200GB or so ?
thank u,