I need to model human skin mimicking medium. Therefore, I want to make the simulated model more complex. My questions about this are:
1) What features k-wave provides to make the simulation more complex? For example human skin with noise and irregularly shaped vasculature etc.? What would be your suggestion for such a case?
2) How do I add noise? Am I able to add noise for a particular grid point(s)/a region in the medium?
On the other hand, I need to define certain properties for transducers. I use a line transducer which is located on the top of the medium. My questions regarding this point are:
3) How can I set/define central frequency, maximum supported frequency, element pitch, directivity, and bandwidth of the transducer? Or what parameters do I need to arrange to change these parameters?
Finally, can you provide simulated complex heterogeneous medium data with all parameters are defined?