just to add to that: the way I'm setting up my air/surface media is like this
%% specify the medium parameters
% create the computational grid
Nx = 65; % number of grid points in the x (row) direction
Ny = 65; % number of grid points in the y (column) direction
% Nz = 201;
% calculate grid point spacing
dx = (20 * 1e-3) / 65 % this is the height (or width / depth) of the 'world' in mm * m / the resolution aka grid points
dy = (20 * 1e-3) / 65
dx = dx; % grid point spacing in the x direction [m]
dy = dy; % grid point spacing in the y direction [m]
% dz = 1e-4;
kgrid = kWaveGrid(Nx, dx, Ny, dy);
% define medium properties
airStart = 40;
medium.density = ones(Nx, Ny);
medium.density(:, :) = 1079; % of tissue [kg/m^3]
% medium.density(:, airStart:end) = 1.255; % of air [kg/m^3]
medium.density(airStart:end, :) = 1.255; % of air [kg/m^3]
figure, imagesc(medium.density)
medium.thermal_conductivity = ones(Nx, Ny);
medium.thermal_conductivity(:, :) = 0.52; % tissue [W/(m.K)]
% medium.thermal_conductivity(:, airStart:end) = 26.02; % of air [W/(m.K)]
medium.thermal_conductivity(airStart:end,:) = 26.02; % of air [W/(m.K)]
medium.specific_heat = ones(Nx, Ny);
medium.specific_heat(:, :) = 3540; % of tissue [J/(kg.K)]
% medium.specific_heat(:, airStart:end) = 0718; % of air [J/(kg.K)]
medium.specific_heat(airStart:end, :) = 718; % of air [J/(kg.K)]
% define medium properties related to perfusion
medium.blood_density = ones(Nx, Ny); % [kg/m^3]
medium.blood_density(:, :) = 1060; % [kg/m^3]
% medium.blood_density(:, airStart:end) = 0; % [kg/m^3]
medium.blood_density(airStart:end, :) = 0; % of air [kg/m^3]
medium.blood_specific_heat = ones(Nx, Ny); % [J/(kg.K)]
medium.blood_specific_heat(:, :) = 3617; % [J/(kg.K)]
% medium.blood_specific_heat(:, airStart:end) = 0; % [J/(kg.K)]
medium.blood_specific_heat(airStart:end, :) = 0; % of air [J/(kg.K)]
medium.blood_perfusion_rate = ones(Nx, Ny); % [1/s]
medium.blood_perfusion_rate(:, :) = 0.01; % [1/s]
% medium.blood_perfusion_rate(:, airStart:end) = 0; % [1/s]
medium.blood_perfusion_rate(airStart:end, :) = 0; % of air [1/s]
medium.blood_ambient_temperature = ones(Nx, Ny); % [degC]
medium.blood_ambient_temperature(:, :) = 37; % [degC]
% medium.blood_ambient_temperature(:, airStart:end) = 22; % [degC]
medium.blood_ambient_temperature(airStart:end, :) = 22; % of air [degC]