Thank you for K-Wave. I am using the function pstdElastic2D for my simulations and I am running my simulations on a high-performance computing infrastructure. My institution's MATLAB license includes the Parallel Computing Toolbox, but the infrastructure does not have any GPUs. When I set up the simulation, I choose the parallel version of MATLAB and I select the number of processors for the simulation. However, it appears that unless the actual code is modified to specify the number of processors utilized by the parallel computing toolbox (PCT), the code uses all available processors.
In the K-Wave documentation, I see options for utilizing the PCT in conjunction with a GPU, but I don't see where to initialize the number of processors and incorporate 'parfor' without a GPU. In the pstElastic2D function, I am wondering if the start of the time loop is where the 'parfor' loop should be located?
To summarize, for K-Wave simulations, is it possible to use MATLAB PCT without a GPU? If so, can you please recommend the appropriate solution for the pstdElastic2D function?
Thank you in advance for your support.
Emily Miller
A MATLAB toolbox for the time-domain
simulation of acoustic wave fields
Parallel Computing without GPU
(4 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 2 years ago #
Hi Emily,
parfor can’t be used in this case, as the time steps must be executed sequentially (they are not independent). So, I don’t think the PCT can be leveraged in this case.
Posted 1 year ago # -
Mr. Bradley, those who don't have GPU support and k-wave don't support PCT, do you have any suggestion on how the simulation speed can be increased?
Posted 1 year ago # -
Are you already using the c++ code? This increases the performance quite a bit. Note, it’s not that k-Wave doesn’t support the PCT, it just can’t be applied in this case.
Posted 1 year ago #
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