For PAT reconstruction, I can get good reconstructed images in heterogeneous lossless medium or homogeneous lossy medium using time reversal algorithm, but in lossy heterogeneous medium I can not get good reconstructed images. From my understanding, one of reasons could be the data acquisition time.
On one hand, we know that time reversal requires the acquisition time to be long enough to get accurate reconstruction images in heterogeneous medium; on the other hand, the acquisition time could not be too long to avoid artifact trapping in heterogeneous medium.
However I am not sure if the dilemma of data acquisition time is really the culprit, because I can get good reconstructed images in lossless heterogeneous medium if the measured signals are long enough. Yet in lossy heterogeneous medium, I can not get good images no matter how long the signals are. (Although the image looks better when the signals were truncated according to Huygens' principle, it's still much worse than the image in lossless medium.)
So I want to know your opinion about the data acquisition time. Or is there any other reason that could deteriorate the reconstructed images in lossy heterogeneous medium?