Dear Sir,
I have modified the matlab code given in the following chapter for modeling photoacoustic pressure in 3D for spherical excitation.
B. T. Cox and P. C. Beard, "Modeling Photoacoustic Propagation in Tissue Using k-Space Techniques," in Photoacoustic Imaging and Spectroscopy, L. V. Wang, Ed. London: CRC Press, 2009, pp. 25-34. ISBN-10:1420059912, ISBN-13:978-1420059915.
Here is my code:
clear all
%MATLAB code for k-space model in 3-dimensions acoustically homogenious media
N=100; n=(-N/2:N/2-1)'; % 3- dim grid
v=1500; %mm/ms ----- sound velocity in medium
dx=4e-2; dy=4e-2; dz= 4e-2; %mm ---- size of voxel
[x,y,z]=meshgrid(n*dx,n*dy,n*dz); % grid construction
[kx,ky,kz] = meshgrid(n*2*pi/(N*dx),n*2*pi/(N*dy),n*2*pi/(N*dz)); % k-space grid construction
k = sqrt(kx.^2 + ky.^2+kz.^2); %
x0= 1; % radius of spherical absorber in mm
dd= 30; % detector to center of absorber distance
rd= N/2; cd= N/2; zd= N/2+dd; % position of detector (voxel)
p1= zeros(N,N,N);
for i= 1:N %**************************************** SPHERICAL OBJECT
for j= 1:N
for l=1:N
if ((i-N/2)^2+(j-N/2)^2+(l-N/2)^2)<(x0/dx)^2
p1(i,j,l)=1; % initital pressure in the object
p0fft=(fftshift(fftn(p1)));% 3-d FFT of initial pressure
t_samp= 100; % # of time samples
t_s= 0;% starting time for data acquisiation
t_e=1.6e-3; % ending time
dt= (t_e-t_s)/t_samp; % sampling period
t1= (t_s:dt:t_e-dt);
for t_t=1:length(t1)
p = (ifftn(fftshift(p0fft.*cos(v*k*t1(t_t)))));
P_d (t_t)=p (rd,cd,zd);
%% rectangular windowing
% X= P_d';
% Y= fft (X);
% Y1= (fftshift(Y));
% Y2= zeros(t_samp,1);
% for i=1:t_samp
% if i<t_samp/2-0.1*t_samp
% Y2(i,1)= 0;
% elseif i>t_samp/2+0.1*t_samp+2
% Y2(i,1)=0;
% else
% Y2(i,1)= Y1(i,1);
% end
% end
% Z= ifftshift((Y2));
% Zr= ifft(Z);
%% analytical pressure at detector
P_an= zeros(1,100);
P_an= (heaviside(x0-abs(dd*dz-v*t1))).*(dd*dz-v*t1)/(2*dz*dd);
%% Comparision of results
figure,plot (t1,P_d,'r') % simulated result
hold on
% plot(t1,Zr,'k') % simulated result after windowing
% hold on
plot(t1,P_an) % analytical result
hold off
But the solution is not matching with the analytical solution.
Please have a look at the figure:
Kindly let me know where am I doing it wrong.
Thank you.