I want to plot a contour map of the pressure field recorded at my sensors at a certain time (The sensors are defined at all grid points except the boundaries of the grid) over the grid space .I also want to find the point/points that have the maximum field value ? How can i do that ?
A MATLAB toolbox for the time-domain
simulation of acoustic wave fields
Plotting a contour map of the normalised accoustic field
(2 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 10 years ago #
Hi Gurashish,
The sensor points are indexed as (sensor_position_index, time_index), so if you want to plot a contour plot at a particular time, you will need to reshape the data first. For example, if the size of the sensor mask is (Nx, Ny), you would use something like:
data = reshape(data(:, time_index), [Nx, Ny]);
You can find the maximum in the normal way.
Posted 10 years ago #
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