Dear Sir
I intalled k-wave and trying to use with GPUmat and NVIDIA CUDA GTX 660.
When I run the example "example_us_bmode_linear_transducer" after the GPUstart it gives an error and I not understand why. Could you help me?
The command windows is as follows:
Starting GPU
- GPUmat version: 0.280
- Required CUDA version: 5.0
There is 1 device supporting CUDA
CUDA Driver Version: 5.0
CUDA Runtime Version: 5.0
Device 0: "GeForce GTX 660"
CUDA Capability Major revision number: 3
CUDA Capability Minor revision number: 0
Total amount of global memory: 2147483648 bytes
- CUDA compute capability 3.0
- Loading module EXAMPLES_CODEOPT
- Loading module EXAMPLES_NUMERICS
-> numerics30.cubin
- Loading module NUMERICS
-> numerics30.cubin
- Loading module RAND
>> example_us_bmode_linear_transducer
k-Wave Transducer Properties
transducer position: [1 22 42]
transducer width: 11.8519mm (64 grid points)
number of elements: 32
number of active elements: 32 (elements 1 to 32)
element width: 370.3704um (2 grid points)
element spacing (kerf): 0ym (0 grid points)
element pitch: 370.3704um (2 grid points)
element length: 4.4444mm (24 grid points)
sound speed: 1540m/s
focus distance: 20mm
elevation focus distance: 19mm
steering angle: 0 degrees
steering angle max: auto degrees
Computing scan line 1 of 96
Running k-Wave simulation...
start time: 28-Nov-2013 14:08:11
reference sound speed: 1600m/s
prepending transducer.input_signal with 17 leading zeros
appending transducer.input_signal with 17 trailing zeros
dt: 36.075ns, t_end: 57.1429us, time steps: 1585
input grid size: 216 by 108 by 108 grid points (40 by 20 by 20mm)
maximum supported frequency: 3.78MHz
expanding computational grid...
computational grid size: 256 by 128 by 128 grid points
casting variables to kWaveGPUsingle type...
precomputation completed in 4.5368s
starting time loop...
Undefined function 'ifftn' for input arguments of type 'GPUsingle'.
Error in kspaceFirstOrder3D (line 822)
ux_sgx = bsxfun(@times, pml_x_sgx, ...
Error in example_us_bmode_linear_transducer (line 240)
sensor_data = kspaceFirstOrder3D(kgrid, medium, transducer, transducer, input_args{:});