I've tried to convert the Matlab-Script "example_cpp_io_in_parts.m" into a C++-Code. So far it worked quite well to generate the hdf-input file for kspaceFirstOrder3D-OMP. However, I've experienced some problems: kspaceFirstOrder3D-OMP is able to read every dataset from the hdf-file, except p_source_input. It allows throws the Error: Dataset "p_source_input" has wrong dimension sizes.: iostream error. I already tried different dimensions for p_source_input in the hdf-file (1, Nt, 1) (Nt, 1, 1) and (1, 1, Nt) but always get the same error.
Does anybody know which is the right dimension for p_source_input or has the hdf-file generated with "example_cpp_io_in_parts.m". I don't have Matlab, so I can't generate it by myself.