I'm trying to run some simulations using kspaceFirstOrder3D-OMP, but am having some problems with the HDF5 libraries.
Here's the text of the error using a binary I compiled under Mac OS X 10.9.3 using icc and MKL:
kspaceFirstOrder3D-OMP v1.0
HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.8.12) thread 0:
#000: H5A.c line 557 in H5Aopen(): unable to load attribute info from object header for attribute: 'file_type'
major: Attribute
minor: Unable to initialize object
#001: H5Oattribute.c line 537 in H5O_attr_open_by_name(): can't locate attribute: 'file_type'
major: Attribute
minor: Object not found
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::__1::ios_base::failure: Error: Could not read from "file_type" attribute of "/" dataset!
: unspecified iostream_category error
Abort trap: 6
And here's the text of the error using the pre-compiled binary from k-wave.org on Ubuntu 12.04
kspaceFirstOrder3D-OMP v1.0
HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.8.7) thread 0:
#000: H5A.c line 550 in H5Aopen(): unable to load attribute info from object header
major: Attribute
minor: Unable to initialize object
#001: H5Oattribute.c line 530 in H5O_attr_open_by_name(): can't locate attribute
major: Attribute
minor: Object not found
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::ios_base::failure'
what(): Error: Could not read from "file_type" attribute of "/" dataset!
Aborted (core dumped)
I think the problem is with the HDF5 input file being created with kspaceFirstOrder3d in Matlab (R2013a I'm just using the IVP photo acoustic waveform example to test if the C++ code is working and compare against the Matlab output. The HDF5 input file I'm using is available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ksgtgkkgt3qfuws/photoacousticWaveform3D.h5
Any ideas on what could be causing this or a possible solution? I'm contemplating writing my own function to generate the input file since I need to run fairly large domains (~10 cm largest dimension for a 10 MHz transducer) for the applications I'm working on.
thanks for any ideas,