I have calculated the Sxx, Syy, and Sxz for a 2D space having Nx=88 and Ny=108 grids. The calculation comes from the pressure and velocity data from the simulation using kSpaceOrder. The stresses have the dimensions same as (Nx,Ny). Now I need to use these stress data for the elastic simulation using pstdElastic2D.
As I want to have the result for the entire space, I made sensor.mask=ones(Nx,Ny) as well as source.s_mask=ones(Nx,Ny) as I want to use the Sxx,Sxy, and Sxy (having the same dimensions). However, when I tried to run it, I got the following error: "The number of time series in source.sxx (etc) must match the number of source elements in source.s_mask"
I checked the example_ewp_shear_wave_snells_law example, where tone burst were used for Sxx, Syy. If I use the toneburst, then it runs for me too, but how I can use the calculated Sxx, Syy, Sxy (obtained from kSpaceOrder) as an input of pstdElastic2D. What should be the dimension of those stresses?