I have been working on simulating a parametric loudspeaker, so I should expect a sound wave from 2 ultrasonic waves (the difference frequency) and also the harmonics of the original waves and the sum of them. I made the grid so it allows frequencies over the harmonics, but I can't get them clear.
I have two frequencies in the source (40 and 42kHz), so every time I got a 2 kHz wave which is what I expect, but I don't get 80 ,82 and 84 kHz waves.
I used a sampling frequency of 192 kHz to generate the toneburst (and to graph the FFT later), but I don't get any harmonic, instead I get a 0 Hz component.
Then, as I thought I didn't have any harmonics, I used 96 kHz for the toneburst but then I got 14 kHz and 12 kHz which are clearly the aliased harmonics (I used different frequencies in other cases, but I got similar results including the third expectid high frequency wave, so I am sure these are the aliased harmonics).
In both cases the grid allows up to 90 kHz, and the original signals (40 and 42 kHz) and the difference (2kHz) are ok, so it's just about the harmonics.
Apparently this is a problem about the sampling frequency, should I change it? If so, which one chould I choose?
Thanks in advance.