Hi all,
when imposing pressure dirichlet boundary conditions, according to Section 2.2 Acoustic Source Terms in k-wave manual, equation (2.19), there is a scaling factor applied to source.p.
1/(c_02N) 2 c_0/\Delta x
There is a constant 2 in the factor, is there any reason choosing this constant?
In the implementation, kspaceFirstOrder3D.m, from line 930 on:
switch source.p_mode
case 'dirichlet'
% enforce source values as a dirichlet boundary condition
rhox(p_source_pos_index) = source.p(p_source_sig_index, t_index);
rhoy(p_source_pos_index) = source.p(p_source_sig_index, t_index);
rhoz(p_source_pos_index) = source.p(p_source_sig_index, t_index);
However, here the source.p is directly assigned to the density without any scaling factor!
Is there any thing missing in this source code?
This seems to me a bug in the code. Can any developer provide some details on this?
Thank you in advance.