In the Steering linear angle example the delay is applied through the toneBurst function as offset but my problem is slightly different and I am wondering whether there are other functions to apply delays. (I have 2D simulation so I can't use transducer class)
I am using source.u with a ricker wavelet. I have a 2D linear transducer with 4 grid points for each element and 4 grid point for kerf. How do I apply delays for different angles in this scenario?
% =========================================================================
% Define Source
% =========================================================================
kerf = 4;
groupspacing = 4;
element_num = 128;
source_shape = reshape((1:kerf)' + (0:element_num-1)*(kerf+groupspacing), 1, []);
% % define source mask for a linear transducer with an odd number of elements
num_elements = element_num*groupspacing ;
x_offset = 1; % [grid points]
source.u_mask = zeros(Nx, Ny);
source.u_mask(x_offset , source_shape ) = 1 ;
%activate middle elements
active_elements = element_num/2 ;
sensor_offset_mask = groupspacing*element_num/4+kerf*(element_num/4)-1 ;
source.u_mask(x_offset , 1:sensor_offset_mask) = 0 ;
source.u_mask(x_offset , Ny-sensor_offset_mask:Ny)=0 ;
% define the properties of the tone burst used to drive the transducer
sampling_freq = 1/kgrid.dt; % [Hz]
steering_angle = 0; % [deg]
element_spacing = dx; % [m]
tone_burst_freq = 5e6; % [Hz]
source.ux = ricker(tone_burst_freq,120, kgrid.dt) ;
Thanks in advance,