Hi Brad,
I've tried to utilise your skull geometry in my own simulation utilising elements from the transducer field and axisymmetric examples. I made some changes to it so that it would be quicker to run (computational parameters, grid parameters, size of grid).
I'm having trouble making the kind of visualisation I want; something that shows the arc source and its produced waves going through the skull.
Just to experiment, I tried applying the visualisation scripts from some example - the only one that worked was from the transducer field example - but the results I got were not clear and I don't know how to modify the code to get the desired visual.
Any guidance would be appreciated.
Here is the code (I included things I commented out too):
% --------------------
% --------------------
% source parameters
source_f0 = 1.1e6; % source frequency [Hz]
source_roc = 100e-3; % bowl radius of curvature [m]
source_diameter = 64e-3; % bowl aperture diameter [m]
source_mag = 2e6; % source pressure [Pa]
source_cycles = 4;
% material geometry
skull_radius = 80e-3;
skull_thickness = 6.5e-3;
skin_thickness = 6.5e-3;
skin_tx_distance = 30e-3;
% material properties
water_temp = 22;
water_c0 = waterSoundSpeed(water_temp);
water_rho0 = waterDensity(water_temp);
water_BonA = waterNonlinearity(water_temp);
water_a0 = waterAbsorption(source_f0 * 1e-6, water_temp);
skin_c0 = 1624;
skin_rho0 = 1109;
skin_BonA = 6.7;
skin_a0 = 1.84 / (source_f0 * 1e-6).^2;
brain_c0 = 1546;
brain_rho0 = 1045;
brain_BonA = 6.7;
brain_a0 = (0.59 * 1.1^1.3) / (source_f0 * 1e-6).^2;
skull_c0 = 2820;
skull_rho0 = 1732;
skull_BonA = 374;
skull_a0 = 2.7 / (source_f0 * 1e-6).^2;
% grid parameters (reduce by x10)
axial_size = 12e-3; % total grid size in the axial dimension [m]
lateral_size = 8e-3/2; % total grid size in the lateral dimension [m]
% computational parameters (reduce by x10)
ppw = 5; % number of points per wavelength
source_x_offset = 4; % grid points to offset the source
%% --------------------
% --------------------
% calculate the grid spacing based on the PPW and F0
dx = water_c0 / (ppw * source_f0); % [m]
dy = dx;
% compute the size of the grid
Nx = roundEven(axial_size / dx) + source_x_offset;
Ny = roundEven(lateral_size / dx);
% My addition: forcing to approximate values with smaller primes and
% reduced by x10
Nx = 448;
Ny = 147;
% this didn't work at first because the issue was with the "PMLInside" set
% to false, which makes it so that it is added on to the dimentions
% later in the function kspaceFirstOrder_expandGridMatrices
% what I will do next is change PMLInside to true - although
% I wonder if I can keep it out and set its value.
% create the computational grid
kgrid = kWaveGrid(Nx, dx, Ny, dy);
%% --------------------
% --------------------
% convert geometry to gp
skull_radius_gp = skull_radius / dx;
skull_thickness_gp = skull_thickness / dx;
skin_thickness_gp = skin_thickness / dx;
skin_transducer_distance_gp = skin_tx_distance / dx;
% calculate centers for respective
skin_center = source_x_offset + skin_transducer_distance_gp + skin_thickness_gp + skull_radius_gp;
% create a skin map
skin_mask = makeDisc(Nx * 2, Ny * 6, skin_center, Ny + 1, skull_radius_gp + skin_thickness_gp);
% create a skull map
skull_outer_mask = makeDisc(Nx * 2, Ny * 6, skin_center, Ny + 1, skull_radius_gp);
skull_inner_mask = makeDisc(Nx * 2, Ny * 6, skin_center, Ny + 1, skull_radius_gp - skull_thickness_gp);
% trim masks
skin_mask = skin_mask(1:Nx, Ny + 1:2*Ny);
skull_outer_mask = skull_outer_mask(1:Nx, Ny + 1:2*Ny);
skull_inner_mask = skull_inner_mask(1:Nx, Ny + 1:2*Ny);
% reference sound speed
medium.sound_speed_ref = brain_c0;
% sound speed
medium.sound_speed = water_c0 * ones(Nx, Ny);
medium.sound_speed(skin_mask == 1) = skin_c0;
medium.sound_speed(skull_outer_mask == 1) = skull_c0;
medium.sound_speed(skull_inner_mask == 1) = brain_c0;
% sound speed
medium.density = water_rho0 * ones(Nx, Ny);
medium.density(skin_mask == 1) = skin_rho0;
medium.density(skull_outer_mask == 1) = skull_rho0;
medium.density(skull_inner_mask == 1) = brain_rho0;
% nonlinearity
medium.BonA = water_BonA * ones(Nx, Ny);
medium.BonA(skin_mask == 1) = skin_BonA;
medium.BonA(skull_outer_mask == 1) = skull_BonA;
medium.BonA(skull_inner_mask == 1) = brain_BonA;
% absorption
medium.alpha_coeff = water_a0 * ones(Nx, Ny);
medium.alpha_coeff(skin_mask == 1) = skin_a0;
medium.alpha_coeff(skull_outer_mask == 1) = skull_a0;
medium.alpha_coeff(skull_inner_mask == 1) = brain_a0;
% *(the following is from transducer field patterns example)*
% create the time array
% filter the source to remove high frequencies not supported by the grid
% source.p = filterTimeSeries(kgrid, medium, source.p);
% *(the following is from transducer field patterns example)*
% define a curved transducer element
arc_pos = [20, 20]; % [grid points]
radius = 60; % [grid points]
diameter = 81; % [grid points]
focus_pos = [Nx/2, Nx/2]; % [grid points]
source.p_mask = makeArc([Nx, Ny], arc_pos, radius, diameter, focus_pos);
% define a time varying sinusoidal source
source.p = source_mag * sin(2 * pi * source_f0 * kgrid.t_array);
%% --------------------
% MY SENSOR (from trans field patt ex)
% --------------------
% create a sensor mask covering the entire computational domain using the
% opposing corners of a rectangle
%sensor.mask = [1, 1, Nx, Ny].';
% create a display mask to display the transducer
display_mask = source.p_mask;
% from axisymmetric example
% define a Cartesian sensor mask with points in the shape of a circle
sensor.mask = makeCartCircle(40 * dx, 50);
% remove points from sensor mask where y < 0
sensor.mask(:, sensor.mask(2, :) < 0) = [];
% from transducer field example
% set the record mode capture the final wave-field and the statistics at
% each sensor point
sensor.record = {'p_final', 'p_max', 'p_rms'};
% assign the input options
% varargin = {'DisplayMask', display_mask, 'PMLInside', true, 'PlotPML', false};
% actually I'll change this PML inside to true so I don't have to worry
% about it being ---- actually actually this isnt important - ill remove
% varargin from the vars in kspacefirstorderAS function below
% run the simulation
sensor_data = kspaceFirstOrderAS(kgrid, medium, source, sensor);
%% --------------------
% --------------------
% % from kwave_test2
% % visualisation
% figure(43);
% kwave_vis(Nx,Ny,dx,dy,sensor_data,medium,'5mm',0);
% disp(['5 mm bone:' num2str(sensor_data.p_max([focus_pos])) ' Pa']);
% % from axisymmetric
% % create plot axis
% x_vec = 1e3 * kgrid.x_vec;
% y_vec = 1e3 * (kgrid.y_vec - kgrid.y_vec(1));
% % create the simulation layout, removing the PML
% pml_size = 20;
% sim_layout = double(source.p | cart2grid(kgrid, sensor.mask, true));
% sim_layout = sim_layout(1 + pml_size:end - pml_size, 1:end - pml_size);
% % plot the simulation layout
% figure;
% imagesc(y_vec, x_vec, sim_layout, [0, 1]);
% axis image;
% colormap(flipud(gray));
% xlabel('y (radial) position [mm]');
% ylabel('x (axial) position [mm]');
% % plot the simulated sensor data
% figure;
% imagesc(sensor_data, [-1, 1]);
% colormap(getColorMap);
% ylabel('Sensor Position');
% xlabel('Time Step');
% colorbar;
% % plot a trace from the simulated sensor data
% figure;
% plot(sensor_data(5, :));
% xlabel('Time Step');
% ylabel('Pressure [Pa]');
% %from axisymmetric
% from transducer field example
% add the source mask onto the recorded wave-field
sensor_data.p_final(source.p_mask ~= 0) = 1;imagesc(kgrid.y_vec * 1e3, kgrid.x_vec * 1e3, sensor_data.p_rms, [-1 1]);
sensor_data.p_max(source.p_mask ~= 0) = 1;
sensor_data.p_rms(source.p_mask ~= 0) = 1;
% plot the final wave-field
subplot(1, 3, 1);
imagesc(kgrid.y_vec * 1e3, kgrid.x_vec * 1e3, sensor_data.p_final, [-1 1]);
ylabel('x-position [mm]');
xlabel('y-position [mm]');
axis image;
title('Final Wave Field');
% plot the maximum recorded pressure
subplot(1, 3, 2);
imagesc(kgrid.y_vec * 1e3, kgrid.x_vec * 1e3, sensor_data.p_max, [-1 1]);
ylabel('x-position [mm]');
xlabel('y-position [mm]');
axis image;
title('Maximum Pressure');
% plot the rms recorded pressure
subplot(1, 3, 3);
ylabel('x-position [mm]');
xlabel('y-position [mm]');
axis image;
title('RMS Pressure');
scaleFig(2, 1);
% plot the material property maps
subplot(1, 4, 1);
imagesc(kgrid.y_vec - kgrid.y_vec(1), kgrid.x_vec - kgrid.x_vec(1), medium.sound_speed);
axis image;
title('Sound Speed');
subplot(1, 4, 2);
imagesc(kgrid.y_vec - kgrid.y_vec(1), kgrid.x_vec - kgrid.x_vec(1), medium.density);
axis image;
subplot(1, 4, 3);
imagesc(kgrid.y_vec - kgrid.y_vec(1), kgrid.x_vec - kgrid.x_vec(1), medium.BonA);
axis image;
subplot(1, 4, 4);
imagesc(kgrid.y_vec - kgrid.y_vec(1), kgrid.x_vec - kgrid.x_vec(1), medium.alpha_coeff);
axis image;
scaleFig(1.5, 1);