What does this castZeros() function mean here? There is no such function in MATLAB.
If you call it you will get error: Unrecognized function or variable 'castZeros'.
% create storage and scaling variables - all variables are saved as
% fields of a structure called sensor_data
% if only p is being stored (i.e., if no user input is given for
% sensor.record), then sensor_data.p is copied to sensor_data at the
% end of the simulation
% time history of the acoustic pressure
if flags.record_p || flags.record_I || flags.record_I_avg
sensor_data.p = castZeros([num_sensor_points, num_recorded_time_points]);
% maximum pressure
if flags.record_p_max
sensor_data.p_max = castZeros([num_sensor_points, 1]);