Since I am struggling with setting a correct setup for my simulation for very long time, I would like to rephrase my question and post the code.
I added a b-mode reconstructed image from my simulation here:

There is medium with specific speed of sound and an inclusion with a lower speed of sound on the center which after reconstruction I can only see a reflection from above and below edges in the b-mode image while horizontal reflections are missing and there is an artifact which can be removed if I set the speed of sound in the inclusion to a higher value compared to background. However, in real setup you can see a similar inclusion even with single planwave shot.
What am I doing wrong?
I have transducer with 384 elements (only 192 elements in middle are activated). I use a plane wave. The pitch of the transducer is 200 micrometer. My medium is a medium of size 7.6*3.8 Cm.
Here is the setup of my code:
% =========================================================================
% Define Grid
% =========================================================================
% set the size of the perfectly matched layer (PML)
pml_y_size = 64; % [grid points]
pml_x_size = 96; % [grid points]
% set total number of grid points not including the PML
Ny = 3072;%
Nx = 1536;% % [grid points]
dy = 2*3.84e-2/Ny; % grid point spacing in the y direction [m]
dx = dy; % grid point spacing in the x direction [m]
kgrid = kWaveGrid(Nx, dx, Ny, dy);
% =========================================================================
% Define Medium
% =========================================================================
% define the properties of the propagation medium
medium.sound_speed = 1540; % [m/s]
medium.alpha_coeff = 0.5; % [dB/(MHz^y cm)]
medium.alpha_power = 1.05;
medium.BonA = 10;
rho0 = 900;
c0 = 1300 ;
% create the time array
t_end = (Nx * dx) * 2.2 / c0; % [s]
kgrid.makeTime(c0, [], t_end);
% =========================================================================
% Define Medium
% =========================================================================
% define a random distribution of scatterers for the medium
background_map_mean = 1;
SD = 1 ;
num_run = 1 ;
medium = repmat(medium,num_run,1) ;
background_map = (0.9 - 0.03) + (0.06).* sprand(Nx, Ny,0.01);
density_map = rho0 * ones(Nx, Ny).* background_map;
sound_speed_map = 1540 * ones(Nx,Ny) ;
theta = 0;
R_x = 150 ;
R_y = 150 ;
C_x = Nx/2 ;
C_y = Ny/2;
scattering_region = makeEllipsoid2D([Nx,Ny],[C_x , C_y ], [R_x, R_y],theta) ;
% assign region
sound_speed_map(scattering_region == 1) = 1300 ;
medium.sound_speed = sound_speed_map(:, :);
medium.density = density_map(:,:);
% =========================================================================
% Define Source middle
% =========================================================================
kerf = 1;
groupspacing = 7;
element_num = 192*2;
source_shape = reshape((1:groupspacing)' + (0:element_num-1)*(kerf+groupspacing), 1, []);
% % define source mask for a linear transducer with an odd number of elements
x_offset = 1; % [grid points]
source_m.u_mask = zeros(Nx, Ny);
source_m.u_mask(x_offset , source_shape ) = 1 ;
%activate middle elements
active_elements = element_num/2 ;
sensor_m_offset_mask = groupspacing*element_num/4+kerf*(element_num/4)-1 ; %groupspacing*element_num/7+kerf*(element_num/7)-1 ;
source_m.u_mask(x_offset , 1:sensor_m_offset_mask) = 0 ;
source_m.u_mask(x_offset , Ny-sensor_m_offset_mask:Ny)=0 ;
source_strength = 1e6 ;
% define the properties of the tone burst used to drive the transducer
sampling_freq = 1/kgrid.dt; % [Hz]
steering_angle_m = 0; % [deg]
tone_burst_freq = 5e6; % [Hz]
[rw,t] = ricker(tone_burst_freq,120, kgrid.dt);
input_signal = rw ;
input_signal = (source_strength ./ (c0 * rho0)) .* input_signal ;
source_m.ux = input_signal ;
% =========================================================================
% Define Sensor
% =========================================================================
sensor_m.mask = source_m.u_mask ;
%sensor_m.directivity_angle = ones(Nx,Ny)*pi/2 ;
sensor_m.directivity_size = kgrid.dx;
input_args = {...
'PMLInside', false, 'PMLSize', [pml_x_size, pml_y_size], ...
'DataRecast', true, 'PlotSim', true, 'PlotPML', true , 'PlotScale', 'auto','DataCast', 'gpuArray-single'} ; %,'RecordMovie', true , 'MovieName', 'Final_simulation_1phantome', 'MovieProfile', 'MPEG-4'};
% run the simulation
filename_m = sprintf('%s_%d.h5','test') ;
kspaceFirstOrder2D(kgrid, medium, source_m,sensor_m, input_args{:},'SaveToDisk',filename_m ) ;
I run the c++ code and save the output and again load it here do postprocessing and resample it and reconstruct the 'transducer_data_resample' with a standard delay and sum :
sensor_data = h5read('test_out.h5','/p') ;
size_data = size(sensor_data) ;
transducer_data = zeros(active_elements , size_data(2)) ;
element = 1 ;
% =========================================================================
% Extract transducer data
% =========================================================================
sumnum = groupspacing-1 ;
for i = 1:groupspacing:size_data(1)- sumnum
transducer_data(element , :) = (sensor_data(i,:)+ sensor_data(i+1,:)+ sensor_data(i+2,:)+ sensor_data(i+3,:)+sensor_data(i+4,:)+ sensor_data(i+5,:)+ sensor_data(i+6,:)) ;
element = element+1 ;
originalFs = 1/kgrid.dt ;
desiredFs = 40e6;
[p,q] = rat(desiredFs / originalFs); %originalFs * p / q ;
for i = 1 : active_elements
transducer_data_resample(i,:) = resample(transducer_data(i,:),p,q);
additional functions to run the code:
function [rw,t] = ricker(f,n,dt,t0,t1)
%RICKER creates an causal ricker wavelet signal
% RICKER creates and plots a default causal ricker wavelet with:
% peak frequency = 20 Hz
% sampling time = 0.001 seconds
% number of points = 100;
% peak location = 1/F = 1/20Hz
% RW = RICKER(...) returns the default wavelet in RW.
% [RW,T] = RICKER(...) returns the time vector in T.
% Specifying parameters of peak frequency (F, Hz), number of points (N),
% and sampling time (DT) are specified by the syntax:
% [RW,T] = RICKER(F)
% [RW,T] = RICKER(F,N)
% [RW,T] = RICKER(F,N,DT,T0) creates a ricker wavelet with peak centered
% at T0.
% [RW,T] = RICKER(F,N,DT,T0,T1) creates a 2 dimensional symmetric
% ricker wavelet with sift in 1st dimension of T0 and second dimension of
% T1.
% Example 1:
% ricker % plots a 20 Hz Ricker Wavelet over 0.1 seconds
% Example 2:
% % create a ricker wavelet with 40 Hz, 200 points, and 0.02 s between
% % samples
% [rw,t] = ricker(40,200,0.002);
% plot(t,rw), xlabel('Time'), ylabel('Amplitude')
% Define inputs if needed
switch nargin
case 0
f = 20;
n = 100;
dt = 0.001;
t0 = 1/f;
is2d = false;
case 1
n = 100;
dt = 0.001;
t0 = 1/f;
is2d = false;
case 2
dt = 0.001;
t0 = 1/f;
is2d = false;
case 3
t0 = 1/f;
is2d = false;
case 4 % use all values
is2d = false;
case 5 % use all inputs
is2d = true;
warning('RICKER:tooManyInputs','Ignoring additional inputs')
% Create the wavelet and shift in time if needed
T = dt*(n-1);
t = 0:dt:T;
tau = t-t0;
if ~is2d
s = (1-tau.*tau*f^2*pi^2).*exp(-tau.^2*pi^2*f^2);
[t1,t2] = meshgrid(tau,t-t1);
s = (1-(t1.^2+t2.^2)*f^2*pi^2).*exp(-(t1.^2+t2.^2)*pi^2*f^2);
if nargout == 0
xlabel('Time (s)')
title('Ricker Wavelet')
rw = s;
function ellipsoid = makeEllipsoid2D(grid_size, position, radii,theta, plot_ellipsoid, binary)
A = theta ;
if nargin < 5 || isempty(plot_ellipsoid)
plot_ellipsoid = false;
% check for binary input
if nargin < 6 || isempty(binary)
binary = false;
% force integer grid values
Nx = round(grid_size(1));
Ny = round(grid_size(2));
% assign center and radius
cx = position(1);
cy = position(2);
rx = radii(1);
ry = radii(2);
% check for zero values for center position, and set to middle of grid
if cx == 0
cx = floor(Nx / 2) + 1;
if cy == 0
cy = floor(Ny / 2) + 1;
% create grid axes
[x_index, y_index] = ndgrid(1:Nx, 1:Ny) ;
% create ellipsoid based on code from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36420023/generating-a-3d-binary-mask-of-geometric-shapes-in-matlab
%ellipsoid = ((x_index - cx).^2 / (rx.^2)) + ((y_index - cy).^2 / (ry.^2)) <= 1;
ellipsoid = (((x_index-cx)*cos(A) + (y_index-cy)*sin(A)).^2/(rx.^2))+(((x_index-cx)*sin(A) - (y_index-cy)*cos(A)).^2 /ry.^2)<= 1;
% convert to double precision if not binary
if ~binary
ellipsoid = double(ellipsoid);
% plot results
if plot_ellipsoid