I’m working on propagation in a homogeneous 3D medium. I’m using the kspacefirstorder3D function to accomplish this. I have a specific issue that I need your assistance with.
Let’s consider the following scenario: I create a grid with Nx=32, Ny=32, and Nz=32. Then, I generate a linear binary sensor mask array at the first layer of Nz (sensor.mask(:,:,1)=1). I position a point-like source 3 layers below my sensor (Nz=4) and propagate the wavefront, collecting the data. Let’s refer to this data as data1.
Next, I repeat this process by creating a sensor mask for the first two Nz (sensor.mask(:,:,1:2)=1). I maintain the same source, perform the propagation, and collect the data. Let’s refer to this data as data2.
After some reshaping, I obtain the following for data1: [Nx,Ny,kgrid.Nt] and for data 2: [Nx,Ny,kgrid.Nt,Nz]. I anticipate that data1 should be equal to data2(:,:,:1). However, when I compare them, even though the wavefronts have the same shape, the indices differ.
Could you please provide some insights into this issue? I would greatly appreciate your help!