35 #ifndef ERROR_MESSAGES_H 36 #define ERROR_MESSAGES_H 56 =
"Error: Not enough CPU memory to run this simulation.";
59 =
"Error: An unknown error happened. ";
64 =
"Error: File \"%s\" could not be created.";
67 =
"Error: Cannot recreate an opened file \"%s\".";
70 =
"Error: Cannot reopen an opened file \"%s\".";
73 =
"Error: File \"%s\" could not be closed.";
76 =
"Error: Could not write into \"%s\" dataset.";
79 =
"Error: Could not read from \"%s\" dataset.";
82 =
"Error: Dataset \"%s\" has wrong dimension sizes.";
85 =
"Error: File \"%s\" was not found or could not be opened.";
88 =
"Error: File \"%s\" is not a valid HDF5 file.";
91 =
"Error: File \"%s\" could not open dataset \"%s\".";
94 =
"Error: File \"%s\", dataset \"%s\" could set compression level [%ld].";
97 =
"Error: Bad attribute value: [%s,%s] = %s.";
100 =
"Error: Could not write into \"%s\" attribute of \"%s\" dataset.";
103 =
"Error: Could not read from \"%s\" attribute of \"%s\" dataset.";
106 =
"Error: Could not create group \"%s\" in file \"%s\".";
109 =
"Error: Could not open group \"%s\" in file \"%s\".";
112 =
"Error: The input file has not a valid format.";
115 =
"Error: The output file has not a valid format.";
118 =
"Error: The checkpoint file has not a valid format.";
124 =
"Error: Matrix [%s] data type is not of single precision floating point.";
127 =
"Error: Matrix [%s] domain is not real.";
130 =
"Error: Matrix [%s] domain is not complex.";
133 =
"Error: Matrix [%s] data type is not unsigned long.";
139 =
"Error: Matrix [%s] has unknown type in the C++ code. [File, Line] : [%s,%d].";
143 =
"Error: Matrix [%s] is being reallocated in matrix container.";
149 =
"Error: No or invalid progress print interval.";
152 =
"Error: No or invalid number of CPU threads.";
155 =
"Error: No or invalid compression level.";
158 =
"Error: No or invalid collection start time step.";
161 =
"Error: No or invalid number of time step to benchmark.";
164 =
"Error: No or invalid verbose level.";
168 =
"Error: The input file was not specified.";
171 =
"Error: The output file was not specified.";
174 =
"Error: The checkpoint file was not specified.";
177 =
"Error: The checkpoint interval was not specified.";
180 =
"Error: Unknown command line parameter.";
183 =
"Error: Unknown command line parameter or missing argument.";
187 =
"Error: Illegal value of alpha_power (must not equal to 1.0).";
190 =
"Error: The beginning of data sampling is out of the simulation time span <%zu, %zu>.";
194 =
"Error: Incorrect input file\"%s\" format.";
197 =
"Error: Incorrect major version of the HDF5 file %s (expected is %s).";
200 =
"Error: Incorrect minor version of the HDF5 file %s (expected is %s).";
203 =
"Error: The sensor mask type specified in the input file is not supported.";
206 =
"Error: --u_non_staggered_raw is not supported along with the input file of the version 1.0.";
212 =
"Error: Incorrect checkpoint file \"%s\" format.";
216 =
"Error: Incorrect output file \"%s\" format.";
220 =
"Error: The dimensions [%ld, %ld, %ld] of the checkpoint file don't match the simulation " 221 "dimensions [%ld, %ld, %ld].";
225 =
"Error: The dimensions [%ld, %ld, %ld] of the output file don't match the simulation " 226 "dimensions [%ld, %ld, %ld].";
233 =
"creating plan for 3D real-to-complex fft.";
236 =
"creating plan for 3D complex-to-real fft.";
239 =
"creating for 1D real-to-complex fft plan in X direction.";
242 =
"creating for 1D real-to-complex fft plan in Y direction.";
245 =
"creating for 1D real-to-complex fft plan in Z direction.";
248 =
"creating for 1D complex-to-real fft plan in X direction.";
251 =
"creating for 1D complex-to-real fft plan in Y direction.";
254 =
"creating 1D complex-to-real fft plan in Z direction.";
258 =
"destroying plan for 3D real-to-complex fft.";
261 =
"destroying plan for 3D complex-to-real fft.";
264 =
"destroying for 1D real-to-complex fft plan in X direction.";
267 =
"destroying for 1D real-to-complex fft plan in Y direction.";
270 =
"destroying for 1D real-to-complex fft plan in Z direction.";
273 =
"destroying for 1D complex-to-real fft plan in X direction.";
276 =
"destroying for 1D complex-to-real fft plan in Y direction.";
279 =
"destroying 1D complex-to-real fft plan in Z direction.";
283 =
"executing plan for 3D real-to-complex fft.";
286 =
"executing plan for 3D complex-to-real fft.";
289 =
"executing for 1D real-to-complex fft plan in X direction.";
292 =
"executing for 1D real-to-complex fft plan in Y direction.";
295 =
"executing for 1D real-to-complex fft plan in Z direction.";
298 =
"executing for 1D complex-to-real fft plan in X direction.";
301 =
"executing for 1D complex-to-real fft plan in Y direction.";
304 =
"executing 1D complex-to-real fft plan in Z direction.";
308 =
"Warning: Wisdom could not be exported.";
311 =
"Warning: Wisdom could not be imported.";
const std::string ErrorMessage
Datatype for error messages.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCannotCloseFile
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtBadMajorFileVersion
Command line parameters error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtInvalidNumberOfThreads
Command line parameters error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtDestroyC2RFftPlan1DX
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtMatrixNotIndex
Matrix class error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtBadDimensionSizes
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCreateR2CFftPlan1DZ
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtExecuteC2RFftPlan1DX
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtExecuteR2CFftPlan3D
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCannotReopenFile
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtExecuteC2RFftPlan3D
FFTW error message.
The header file containing linux specific error messages.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtPathDelimiters
delimiters for linux paths
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCannotReadDataset
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtExecuteR2CFftPlan1DX
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtBadMatrixType
Matrix container error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCreateR2CFftPlan1DX
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtDestroyR2CFftPlan1DX
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCreateC2RFftPlan3D
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCannotCreateGroup
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtDestroyC2RFftPlan1DY
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtIllegalAlphaPowerValue
Command line parameters error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCannotRecreateFile
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtBadAttributeValue
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtDestroyR2CFftPlan1DY
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtMatrixNotComplex
Matrix class error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtNoCompressionLevel
Command line parameters error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtExecuteC2RFftPlan1DY
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtNoInputFile
Error message - input file was not specified.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtNoSamplingStartTimeStep
Command line parameters error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtFftWisdomNotExported
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCreateC2RFftPlan1DZ
FFTW error message.
The header file containing windows specific error messages.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtExecuteR2CFftPlan1DY
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtBadMinorFileVersion
Command line parameters error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtDestroyC2RFftPlan3D
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCannotOpenGroup
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtUnknownParameter
Command line parameter error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtUnknownError
Unknown error - unknown error.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCannotReadAttribute
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtIllegalSamplingStartTimeStep
Command line parameters error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtBadCheckpointFileType
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCannotSetCompression
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtExecuteR2CFftPlan1DZ
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtDestroyR2CFftPlan1DZ
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCreateC2RFftPlan1DX
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCannotWriteDataset
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtRelocationError
Matrix container error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtNonStaggeredVelocityNotSupportedFileVersion
Command line parameters error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCannotCreateFile
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtBadInputFileType
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtDestroyC2RFftPlan1DZ
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtNoCheckpointFile
Command line parameters error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtBadInputFileFormat
Command line parameters error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtBadCheckpointFileFormat
KSpaceFirstOrder3DSolver error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtBadOutputFileType
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtFileNotOpen
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtMatrixNotReal
Matrix class error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCannotWriteAttribute
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtNoVerboseLevel
Command line parameters error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCreateR2CFftPlan3D
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtExecuteC2RFftPlan1DZ
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtNoOutputFile
Command line parameters error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtDestroyR2CFftPlan3D
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtNotHdf5File
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCreateC2RFftPlan1DY
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtOutOfMemory
error message - out of memory
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCannotOpenDataset
HDF5 error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtOutputDimensionsMismatch
KSpaceFirstOrder3DSolver error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtNoProgressPrintInterval
Command line parameters error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtNoBenchmarkTimeStep
Command line parameters error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCheckpointDimensionsMismatch
KSpaceFirstOrder3DSolver error message.
ErrorMessage ErrFmtFftWisdomNotImported
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtBadOutputFileFormat
KSpaceFirstOrder3DSolver error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtNoCheckpointInterval
Command line parameters error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtBadSensorMaskType
Command line parameters error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtUnknownParameterOrArgument
Command line parameter error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtCreateR2CFftPlan1DY
FFTW error message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtMatrixNotFloat
Matrix class error message.