kspaceFirstOrder3D-OMP  1.2
The C++ implementation of the k-wave toolbox for the time-domain simulation of acoustic wave fields in 3D
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OutputMessagesLinux.h File Reference

The header file containing all linux specific messages going to the standard output. More...

Go to the source code of this file.


using OutputMessage = const std::string
 Datatype for output messages. More...


OutputMessage kOutFmtFirstSeparator = "┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐\n"
 Output message - first separator.
OutputMessage kOutFmtSeparator = "├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤\n"
 Output message - separator.
OutputMessage kOutFmtLastSeparator = "└───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘\n"
 Output message -last separator.
OutputMessage kOutFmtNewLine = "\n"
 Output message - new line.
OutputMessage kOutFmtDone = " Done │\n"
 Output message - Done with two spaces.
OutputMessage kOutFmtNoDone = " │\n"
 Output message - finish line without done.
OutputMessage kOutFmtFailed = "Failed │\n"
 Output message - failed message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtVerticalLine = "│"
 Output message - vertical line.
OutputMessage kOutFmtCodeName = "│ %s │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtNumberOfThreads = "│ Number of CPU threads: %9lu │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtSimulationDetailsTitle
 Output message. More...
OutputMessage kOutFmtInitializationHeader
 Output message. More...
OutputMessage kOutFmtCompResourcesHeader
 Output message. More...
OutputMessage kOutFmtSimulationHeader
 Output message. More...
OutputMessage kOutFmtCheckpointHeader
 Output message. More...
OutputMessage kOutFmtSummaryHeader
 Output message. More...
OutputMessage kOutFmtEndOfSimulation
 Output message. More...
OutputMessage kOutFmtElapsedTime = "│ Elapsed time: %11.2fs │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtRecoveredFrom = "│ Recovered from time step: %8ld │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtMemoryUsage = "│ Peak memory in use: %8luMB │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtTotalExecutionTime = "│ Total execution time: %8.2fs │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtLegExecutionTime = "│ This leg execution time: %8.2fs │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtReadingConfiguration = "│ Reading simulation configuration: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtDomainSize = "│ Domain dimensions: %42s │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtDomainSizeFormat = "%lu x %lu x %lu"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtSimulatoinLenght = "│ Simulation time steps: %9lu │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtSensorMaskIndex = "│ Sensor mask type: Index │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtSensorMaskCuboid = "│ Sensor mask type: Cuboid │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtGitHashLeft = "│ Git hash: %s │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtKWaveVersion = "kspaceFirstOrder3D-OMP v1.2"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtFftPlans = "│ FFT plans creation: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtPreProcessing = "│ Pre-processing phase: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtDataLoading = "│ Data loading: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtMemoryAllocation = "│ Memory allocation: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtCurrentMemory = "│ Current host memory in use: %8luMB │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtSimulationProgress ="│ %2li%c │ %9.3fs │ %9.3fs │ %02i/%02i/%02i %02i:%02i:%02i │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtSimulationEndSeparator = "├──────────┴────────────────┴──────────────┴────────────────────┤\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtSimulatoinFinalSeparator = "└──────────┴────────────────┴──────────────┴────────────────────┘\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtCheckpointTimeSteps = "│ Number of time steps completed: %10u │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtCreatingCheckpoint = "│ Creating checkpoint: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtPostProcessing = "│ Sampled data post-processing: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtStoringCheckpointData = "│ + Storing checkpoint data: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtStoringFftwWisdom = "│ + Storing FFTW wisdom: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtLoadingFftwWisdom = "│ Loading FFTW wisdom: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtStoringSensorData = "│ + Storing sensor data: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtReadingInputFile = "│ + Reading input file: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtReadingCheckpointFile = "│ + Reading checkpoint file: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtReadingOutputFile = "│ + Reading output file: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtCreatingOutputFile = "│ + Creating output file: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtInputFile = "Input file: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtOutputFile = "Output file: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtCheckpointFile = "Check file: "
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtCheckpointInterval = "│ Checkpoint interval: %8lus │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtCompressionLevel = "│ Compression level: %8lu │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtPrintProgressIntrerval = "│ Print progress interval: %8lu%% │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtBenchmarkTimeStep = "│ Benchmark time steps: %8lu │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtSamplingFlags
 Output message. More...
OutputMessage kOutFmtSamplingStartsAt = "│ Sampling begins at time step: %8lu │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtCopySensorMask = "│ Copy sensor mask to output file: Yes │\n"
 Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtBuildNoDataTime
 Print version output message. More...
OutputMessage kOutFmtVersionGitHash = "│ Git hash: %s │\n"
 Print version output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtLinuxBuild = "│ Operating system: Linux x64 │\n"
 Print version output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtWindowsBuild = "│ Operating system: Windows x64 │\n"
 Print version output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtMacOsBuild = "│ Operating system: Mac OS X x64 │\n"
 Print version output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtGnuCompiler = "│ Compiler name: GNU C++ %.19s │\n"
 Print version output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtIntelCompiler = "│ Compiler name: Intel C++ %d │\n"
 Print version output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtVisualStudioCompiler = "│ Compiler name: Visual Studio C++ %d │\n"
 Print version output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtAVX2 = "│ Instruction set: Intel AVX 2 │\n"
 Print version output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtAVX = "│ Instruction set: Intel AVX │\n"
 Print version output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtSSE42 = "│ Instruction set: Intel SSE 4.2 │\n"
 Print version output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtSSE41 = "│ Instruction set: Intel SSE 4.1 │\n"
 Print version output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtSSE3 = "│ Instruction set: Intel SSE 3 │\n"
 Print version output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtSSE2 = "│ Instruction set: Intel SSE 2 │\n"
 Print version output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtLicense
 Print version output message. More...
OutputMessage kOutFmtUsagePart1
 Usage massage. More...
OutputMessage kOutFmtUsagePart2
 Usage massage.
OutputMessage kOutFmtUsageThreads
 Usage massage. More...

Detailed Description

Jiri Jaros
Faculty of Information Technology
Brno University of Technology
kspaceFirstOrder3D 2.16
30 August 2017, 11:39 (created)
04 September 2017, 10:46 (revised)

This file is part of the C++ extension of the k-Wave Toolbox.

This file is part of the k-Wave. k-Wave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

k-Wave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with k-Wave. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

Definition in file OutputMessagesLinux.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ OutputMessage

using OutputMessage = const std::string

Datatype for output messages.

Definition at line 39 of file OutputMessagesLinux.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ kOutFmtBuildNoDataTime

OutputMessage kOutFmtBuildNoDataTime
Initial value:
= "│ Build information │\n"
"│ Build number: kspaceFirstOrder3D v2.16 │\n"
"│ Build date: %*.*s │\n"
"│ Build time: %*.*s │\n"

Definition at line 258 of file OutputMessagesLinux.h.

◆ kOutFmtCheckpointHeader

OutputMessage kOutFmtCheckpointHeader
Initial value:
= "├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤\n"
"│ Checkpointing │\n"

Definition at line 100 of file OutputMessagesLinux.h.

◆ kOutFmtCompResourcesHeader

OutputMessage kOutFmtCompResourcesHeader
Initial value:
= "├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤\n"
"│ Computational resources │\n"

Definition at line 88 of file OutputMessagesLinux.h.

◆ kOutFmtEndOfSimulation

OutputMessage kOutFmtEndOfSimulation
Initial value:
= "├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤\n"
"│ End of computation │\n"

Definition at line 111 of file OutputMessagesLinux.h.

◆ kOutFmtInitializationHeader

OutputMessage kOutFmtInitializationHeader
Initial value:
= "├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤\n"
"│ Initialization │\n"

Definition at line 82 of file OutputMessagesLinux.h.

◆ kOutFmtLicense

OutputMessage kOutFmtLicense
Initial value:
= "├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤\n"
"│ Contact email: jarosjir@fit.vutbr.cz │\n"
"│ Contact web: http://www.k-wave.org │\n"
"│ Copyright (C) 2017 Jiri Jaros and Bradley Treeby │\n"

Definition at line 309 of file OutputMessagesLinux.h.

◆ kOutFmtSamplingFlags

OutputMessage kOutFmtSamplingFlags
Initial value:
= "├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤\n"
"│ Sampling flags │\n"

Definition at line 243 of file OutputMessagesLinux.h.

◆ kOutFmtSimulationDetailsTitle

OutputMessage kOutFmtSimulationDetailsTitle
Initial value:
= "├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤\n"
"│ Simulation details │\n"

Definition at line 77 of file OutputMessagesLinux.h.

◆ kOutFmtSimulationHeader

OutputMessage kOutFmtSimulationHeader
Initial value:
= "├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤\n"
"│ Simulation │\n"
"│ Progress │ Elapsed time │ Time to go │ Est. finish time │\n"

Definition at line 93 of file OutputMessagesLinux.h.

◆ kOutFmtSummaryHeader

OutputMessage kOutFmtSummaryHeader
Initial value:
= "├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤\n"
"│ Summary │\n"

Definition at line 106 of file OutputMessagesLinux.h.

◆ kOutFmtUsagePart1

OutputMessage kOutFmtUsagePart1
Initial value:
= "│ Usage │\n"
"│ Mandatory parameters │\n"
"│ -i <file_name> │ HDF5 input file │\n"
"│ -o <file_name> │ HDF5 output file │\n"
"│ Optional parameters │\n"

Definition at line 321 of file OutputMessagesLinux.h.

◆ kOutFmtUsageThreads

OutputMessage kOutFmtUsageThreads
Initial value:
= "│ -t <num_threads> │ Number of CPU threads │\n"
"│ │ (default = %2d) │\n"

Definition at line 384 of file OutputMessagesLinux.h.