797 int main(
int argc,
char** argv)
814 parameters.
822 catch (
const std::exception &e)
847 catch (
const std::bad_alloc& e)
854 catch (
const std::exception& e)
869 catch (
const std::ios::failure& e)
876 catch (
const std::exception& e)
double getDataLoadTime() const
Get data load time.
OutputMessage kOutFmtLegExecutionTime
Output message.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtPathDelimiters
delimiters for linux paths
OutputMessage kOutFmtFailed
Output message - failed message.
static void log(const LogLevel queryLevel, const std::string &format, Args ... args)
Log desired activity for a given log level, version with string format.
OutputMessage kOutFmtElapsedTime
Output message.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
OutputMessage kOutFmtRecoveredFrom
Output message.
static std::string wordWrapString(const std::string &inputString, const std::string &delimiters, const int indentation=0, const int lineSize=65)
double getTotalTime() const
Get total simulation time.
virtual void loadInputData()
Load simulation data.
Class storing all parameters of the simulation.
void printSimulatoinSetup()
Print the simulation setup (all parameters).
OutputMessage kOutFmtSummaryHeader
Output message.
virtual void compute()
This method computes k-space First Order 3D simulation.
OutputMessage kOutFmtFirstSeparator
Output message - first separator.
std::string getCodeName() const
Get code name - release code version.
bool isPrintVersionOnly() const
Shall the code print version and exit?
size_t getNumberOfThreads() const
Get number of CPU threads to use.
OutputMessage kOutFmtInitializationHeader
Output message.
The header file containing the main class of the project responsible for the entire simulation...
OutputMessage kOutFmtMemoryUsage
Output message.
double getCumulatedTotalTime() const
Get total simulation time accumulated over all legs.
static void errorAndTerminate(const std::string &errorMessage)
Log an error and terminate the execution.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtUnknownError
Unknown error - unknown error.
The header file containing a class responsible for printing out info and error messages (stdout...
OutputMessage kOutFmtTotalExecutionTime
Output message.
Class responsible for running the k-space first order 3D method.
size_t getTimeIndex() const
Get actual simulation time step.
virtual size_t getMemoryUsage() const
Get memory usage in MB on the host side.
virtual void allocateMemory()
Memory allocation.
Basic (default) level of verbosity.
void printFullCodeNameAndLicense() const
Print the code name and license.
OutputMessage kOutFmtLastSeparator
Output message -last separator.
void init(int argc, char **argv)
Parse command line and read scalar values form the input file.
OutputMessage kOutFmtCodeName
Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtEndOfSimulation
Output message.
OutputMessage kOutFmtSeparator
Output message - separator.
static Parameters & getInstance()
Get instance of the singleton class.
ErrorMessage kErrFmtOutOfMemory
error message - out of memory